in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)


Wisdom is not expressed in words but rather it is expressed in deeds though it could be spoken (1 corinthians 2:6), that is a man is not called wise just because he said something meaningful but because he did something
So many at times many confuse the lack of knowledge as the lack of wisdom, though both can be likened if the individual involved is not willing to get knowledge. The lack of wisdom actually is not the lack of knowledge but rather it is not applying knowledge.
Hence wisdom is the application of the right knowledge, it is also a prompting in an individual that enable him make good decision and right choices, It is not the lack of knowledge that makes a man make wrong choices but rather the lack of wisdom. Wisdom differs in how potent and reliable it is, there are three kinds of wisdom which include;

For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
1 Corinthians 1:21 KJV

  • The wisdom of this world :

This kind of wisdom is earthly, devilish and based on the five senses. It is the kind wisdom expressed so much in the world system and it is shown in the behavioral pattern of a particular set of people, it is also shown in the way the world do things and respond to challenges and situation.

  • The wisdom of man :

This kind of wisdom is restricted to an individual, it is seen and expressed in his perception of life and issues. Most often this kind of wisdom is gotten from the experience the individual has gathered over the years. The individual only gives advise in business, relationship and other area of life based on the experiences he has gotten. It is based on this business make decisions that may not be right, for example a person invested in a business and then discovered that the business wasn’t fruitful as it ought to be, because of the experience he has gotten from that business he makes decision for another investment which may not be true.

  • The wisdom of God (1corinthians 1:7):

This is the ultimate wisdom that has no limitation and ending, it’s source is from God. This kind of wisdom is neither based on the world system nor is it based on experience, it is based on the word of God, it cannot be gotten through teaching and lectures, this is the very same reason that after king nebuchadnezzer sought the young Hebrews boys he asked to be thought in philosophy and all forms of sorcery he found the four Hebrew boys ( shedrach, Meshach , Abednego and Daniel ) to be ten times better than all the other children in matters of wisdom and understanding (Daniel 1:18 to 20). This is the only kind of wisdom that would never come to an end be it the wisdom of man or of the world they would all come to nothing. This is the wisdom every individual should desire and long for.
The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God (1 corinthians 3:19) for the world by its wisdom cannot know God ( 1corinthians 1:21).

You can only access God’s wisdom by * becoming foolish to the world
*vaccepting God’s wisdom

  • knowing Christ has been made wisdom for you. (1corinthians 1:30.)
    God’s wisdom is the ultimate and note when you disregard God’s word you disregard wisdom.

For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
1 Corinthians 1:21 KJV