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RE: An Exposition on the Book of Ephesians

in #christian-trail7 years ago

And a disposition it is! And very inspiring.
Speaking of lifting our eyes, it alludes to the same inspiration the Psalmits had at heart when he said in Psalm 121:1,

Psalm 121:1 says in the King James, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help

But of course David’s help didn’t really come from the hills, rather from the Lord as he says in Verse 2.: My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth

So yes, our help comes from above. You only have to lift up your eyes!

Thanks for this exposition, @fearless97.

Meanwhile, this is only my first time on your blog, so if i may ask, you will be doing this at what intervals, days? and what is the plan? I am a believer, and will gladly share in this very blessed fellowship.


Wow, thanks so much for visiting my blog. And bigger thanks for the comment, the best I've ever received, I'm blessed by it.
This happens usually on Mondays, so you can check every Monday evening or Tuesday morning. Thanks again, I'm excited.

The bigger pleasure is mine, @fearless97. And you certainly deserve all plaudits. What you are here trying to do, you know, bible study following this approach of engaging others, is very ambitious.

And won't be easy coming, but if you don't give up, and just keep doing it with the few who start with you, you will be sure to succeed. It is a blessed cause.

And i sure will try to keep along. Thanks.