in #christian-trail8 years ago

TEXT: Colossians 3:12-17

Clothes have different uses; to adorn ourselves, to cover our nakedness, prevent us from the rays of the sun, depict our culture, etc. Today’s passage gives a list of what every believer should put on as his daily attire. Such attire will shield us from the onslaughts of the enemy and show forth the Christ-like culture or way of life to all around us.

What then does the Bible expect us to put on as believers? We are expected to be tender-hearted, merciful, kind, humble, honest, gentle, long suffering, loving, forgiving, peaceful, disciplined in speech and character, versed in the knowledge of God, full of praise and thanksgiving to God for His mercies and faithfulness in our homes, Churches and workplaces. These qualities will show that we are truly the children of God. Do you really have the believer’s attire? Remember, it is not about what we do but who we are. However, failure to live out this new life can mean that we do not truly belong to Christ, even if we have been involved in ministry and done miracles and accomplished 'great things’ (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 13:27). Be in Christ and put on the Christ-like nature daily to radiate His glory.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to put on the life transforming attire every day of my life in Jesus name.