Recently my daughter hasn't been sleeping well, waking up several times each night. As a result, we've been getting up quite late on most days and have missed Sunday church services over the past few weeks. Consequently, I've been feeling very spiritually dry recently. So last night I prayed for my daughter to have good sleep so that we could attend church service this morning. Thank God she slept much better last night.
This morning at church I felt so joyful to be back worshipping with brothers and sisters. The first song we sang spoke right into my heart, and I want to share it with everyone here. Please have a listen.
From The Inside Out: Hillsong United
A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out,
Lord, let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out
Actually, music is older than the earth!
When God created the earth, there was a multitude of Angels singing for joy!
Need to read more about this! Awesome!
I enjoyed this song with you brother. Thank God for his mercies
Thanks bro.
Your friend been crying since morning.
I put the reason down on my post (REVIVAL) Tired of dry and dusty Christian lives. Lord send us Revival. You may wish to check out.
Welcome and quantum blessings
Love this: "Your will above all else"
Yes beautiful lyrics
sounds soleful and spiritual..May you daughter live long and happy
A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
nice lyrics man.
Thanks bro. Yes, love these lyrics.
Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. I believe your daughter sleepless nights was just a trial to text your faith in God. My advice to you when facing some trial, is to trust the lord completely never feel dry but instead pray as never before. thank God you where able to go to church "praise thy lord" the Lord have given you victory. The bible says in Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
Thanks for the encouragement
you're welcome brother @nextgen622!! That's what believers are for. Remember iron sharpened iron.
i hope you will get peace of god very soon. love to stay with you
God Bless you bro, i pray for your daughter and i trust she will be ok from now in Jesus name, one of my favorites worship songs, love to play it at piano and guitar, it has a deep lyric, help us to conect with our Lord In Spirit. God Bless this Ministry, God Bless your church, God Bless your daughter, even the trials help us to Get closer to God! Thank you Jesus!!!
i like your all post...
Beautiful music video..dear @nextgen622 your good post... I look forward to every one of your #post..thank you so very much for #sharing..
Music for the mind and music for the soul...
Musical blog .... i always love..
Great to share
Nice Music And Lyrics Also... Awesome too play. Thanks for share sir.
music say the life of exprece the way of goal....
excellent post bro...
Truly this is so heart touching song you just shared !!!!
chtistianity is the name of peace..thank for sharing
jesus my hero and savior . Thank you for your guidance
Nice music and music video
Well that definitely has a emotional connect to it it had those tears rolling out of my eyes too
This is really good to know bro i hope you had an awesome day :)
these lyrics are simply so amazing wonderful thing i have listened to in recent time
Powerful song indeed brother.
My sin was great, but His love was the greatest! 🙏
Your christian-trail is so much nice.This is so good work.I like your blog.
Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Are you little increase me brother? I want to help and donate poor people.
Following you!
Hello @nextgen622,
I’ve just come to know that you are one of the co-founders of #Christian-Trail and to read your story about your eye condition. Amazing story it touched my heart.
By the way, I’m also saved by Grace in the Lord Jesus and currently live in Melbourne with my wife and 3 children. On Steemit and in the working world I’m known as Coach Mel @coachmelleow
I’ve been involved for 4 years with the visually impaired community when I was living in Malaysia and launched “Dialogue In the Dark” (a franchise from Germany) in Kuala Lumpur with my visually impaired partner from 2012-2016. I’ve since left and now he runs it with his wife. He is also a Believer of Jesus!
I would love to have a chance to meet you one day. You have encouraged me today. Keep it going.
Lastly, I’ve also launched a new Steemit account called @seekgod as I want to write a Daily Word for the Steemit World to know Jesus.
Blessings to you my brother.
Hi Mel, thank you so much for your message. I’ve had a look through your blog and love what you are doing with coaching and social enterprise. I would love to perhaps meet up some time too and chat more privately. You can contact me on, Discord or Telegram. My usernames are all @nextgen622 on these platforms. Alternatively, you can email me [email protected]. Bless you brother.
Thanks @nextge622, I will write to you. Blessings!