A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:7, 21).
For by thy words thou shall be justified and thy words, thou shall be condemned. (Matt. 12:37)
The tongue is a very small but powerful member of the body. Considering the size of it in relation to other parts of the body, we realize that it is small. However, in the light of the quotations above, we can see how powerful it is.
Relevant information is a vital resource that every intelligent person wants to have in secular life. Somehow, the story does not change in spiritual matters. The Christian needs to know whom he believes and also have a reason why he has believed.
He needs to know the benefits accruing to him for believing and what he would lose should he stop believing. In essence, the Christian needs to know whom God is and why he should be served. He should also know what belongs to him as a child of God so that he will know the dangers of backsliding. How much of this information he has from the word of God determines the kind of Christian he is. If he knows all he needs to know, he has no choice but to be a powerful enemy of the devil.
However, ignorance of some of the benefits could make him live a beggarly or defeated Christian life. In every case, a man can only give out what he has. An intelligent man is known in most cases by the words he speaks. A Christian is also known by the confession he makes with his mouth. This brings us to the importance of the tongue as an organ of expression.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and; an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart, thee mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).
From the above scripture, it is evident, that the mouth, with the tongue as the principal actor, is the organ that expresses the contents of the heart.
The heart can only express that which has been conceived by the heart, thus it is important for the Christian to know all he is supposed to know, otherwise he will express his ignorance. The ignorance of men in most cases is known through the expressions of their mouth. In other words, the words, the mouth speaks can be controlled, by controlling the heart through the Word of God.
For instance, an unbelieving heart generates doubts. A fearful heart produces fearful words. A bitter heart produces bitter words and a believing heart that is bold and sweet produces sound words that will benefit both the speaker and the hearers.
You are destroyed by the words of the mouth
Ignorance is dangerous and because the words of the mouth are powerful, they can make or mar a man. People have by the words of their mouth spoken death and destruction to themselves without knowing it.
Ignorance has caused many to speak foolish things that later turned against them. A Christian who does not know that Christ was scourged for his sickness and diseases, will think that it is unusual for him to be healthy and so will only be begging sickness to leave him alone. He cannot take authority over sickness on the basis of what Christ has done for him.
For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say to this mountain, be thou removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith that come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith (Mark 11:23).
The things you say with your mouth are very important. And the things you say or confess out of your mouth rule you.
You can determine your future by the confessions of your mouth. The passage above (Mark 11:23), says, if you say things with your mouth, and do not doubt those things you say, the things you have said will work out the way you have said them – “he shall have whatever he saith”.
It is therefore, important to check the words or confessions that come out of your mouth. You can either speak life or death to yourself. Man is justified by the confessions of his mouth and could also be condemned by the confessions of his mouth.
I know that many people have held themselves under bondage because of the words they had ignorantly spoken against themselves; especially, evil words. Some have even invited death on themselves through the evil words of their mouth. They are completely ignorant of the power in spoken words. This is because they do not know that God has given the power of life and death to the spoken word.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit there-of (Prov. 18:21).
Many mothers have ignorantly crippled the lives of their children in this way by cursing them. If a child Makes a mistake and does that which is not right, the mother should scold the child. Rather than do this, some may curse the child or rain abuses, some may go as far as saying things like: “you will not be useful in life, if you keep doing this”. We know that given the nature of children they will certainly repeat such behaviours until such a time that they can differentiate between good and evil.
The child, having done that again sets in motion the power of those words which will accomplish what was spoken against him. You will surely have what you say. We have been made in the image and likeness of God (Gen.1:26).
This being the case, we speak things into existence because God spoke all His creation into existence (Gen 1:1-29).
Jesus in one of His statements said “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (Jn. 6:63).
Watch the words you speak. They could mean life or death to someone. God, recognizing this, said, He will make everyone to give account of every word which he has spoken.
But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account there-of in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matt.12:36-37).
Words are very powerful and important, by them men will be justified and by them men will be condemned. Words can make alive and words can kill. Words have the ability to build or destroy. If well spoken, they can produce joy and peace; and if negatively used, can produce sorrow and anguish, they can produce sickness or death. They can become a snare when used wrongly. Through words, many have ignorantly sentenced themselves to christless graves. Watch your words! For as the scripture says:
Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Prov. 6:2
Thank you for reading through. We shall continue.
All images credited to Google Search
Wow 😮 Thank you for the insight, God bless
This is excellent. Thank you.
Thank you
Words that come out of our mouth are very powerful. Thanks for sharing this
Blessings brother
They also say that ignorance saves no one, so I really agree that it is important that we make sure to know and understand what we believe and what comes out of our mouths. And I know for a fact that many children grew up with low self-esteem because of the words they've been hearing from their family or friends. Great post that reminds us of these. ^^
Thank you for your comment
The post is inspirational. Nice work, keep it up
Thank you and blessings