"But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions".

Most times in life we live below the privileges we have as believers in Christ. Our blood-bought right seems unreal; this leads us to the extent of accepting the devils deceit that we cannot possess what others are possessing. Let me say that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness in it, everything belongs to Him!. If so then as joint heirs with Christ we have full right to all the fullness of the godhead deposited in Christ. The word of God made it clear that "His divine power has given unto us all things that pertains to life and godliness", so all things is our!

In the above scripture, we see the steps to possessing our possessions, and living an overflowing life in all ramification: Firstly we must experience God's divine power of breakthrough that breaks every chain in our lives, there must be sanctity and holiness in our lives; that is we must live sin-free lives, and finally we shall match forward like the Isrealite unto victory.

Deliverance For You

Deliverance is a necessity on the course of victory. The chains and bondage of the Devil has been the major source of captivity to many believers today. But here what God has to say "even the captive of the mighty shall be delivered and the prey of the terrible shall be taken away". I want you to key into this declaration from God that there is total deliverance for you as you believe and pray. It all starts from praying sincerely to God and asking him to break every bond of the wicked one in your life. Reserved for you is the deliverance from sin, deliverance from ignorance, deliverance from satanic manipulation and enchantment; God says that "no enchantment and divination will be against you", deliverance from all forms of temptations and many more spiritual deliverance that the presence of God can bring to you. I want you to understand that the source of all physical deliverance such as financial deliverance, academic deliverance, marital deliverance and such like, is dependent on the level of spiritual deliverance you have. So today pray God that His mighty power bring deliverance to you now.

Holiness Is Setting In

The scriptures went forward to tell us that after the deliverance is done by God, there is need for a sin free life as a prerequisite for possessing your possessions. Sin is one major limitations to a mans house, the earlier you start dealing with hidden and open sin in your life, the faster your breakthrough. Dependence on the Holy Spirit is the only strategy for sustaining your deliverance from sin thereby resulting to holiness. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity commissioned to guiding and preserving the christian and his salvation. When holiness sets into your life, you can now exercise your right as a child of God to possess your possessions by holding unto God's promises in His word. Remember that the psalmist made it clear that is sin is regarded in the heart, it make prayer go unanswered. Also God told Isaiah that iniquity has been the major source of hindrance to the cry and prayer of His people. Today let sin go!

You Got Your Possessions

Pray! I mean PUSH





You can only possessions your possessions on the bent knee. It is only the prayerful Christians that are power enough to fight for the right and get it, enjoy it and even pass it on. How often do you pray?, How often do you stand your ground and tell the devil that he can't rule over your possessions anymore?. Start today to pray your way to breakthrough. Stop giving the devil grounds by accepting his lies about your finances, marriage, academic, business, social life, health and so on. Pray until something happens, pray until you possess what God has given to you on calvary's cross, pray! pray!! pray!!!

SHININGLIGHT.....dispelling ignorance