But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22
Whenever we are working for God, we'd normally like to think we are doing so from a pure heart and in conjunction with thevHoly Spirit. But the truth is that that is not always the case. Sometimes our fleshly desires and human effort gets in the way. In such times it is always prudent to ask ourselves two important questions; why at all am I doing this work? and how exactly do I expect to accomplish this work? When we come to a realization of what the answers to these questions are and what they ought to be we realign ourselves with the will of God so that the fruits of the Spirit are produced in us and not the works of the flesh.
For example, when the reason for which we work for God is for him and his people rather than selfish gain, we would do so out of love and would be more patient towards his people, wanting everyone to come to repentance.
Secondly, when we realize that the source of our strength and power in the work of God is the Holy Spirit instead of ourselves we are more at peace and can even be joyful knowing He is in control.
These questions when applied to ourselves are able to keep us in check so we walk in the fruits of the Holy Spirit instead of the works of the flesh.

Meditate on how asking yourself these questions can cause you to walk in each of the fruits.
When you find yourself exhibiting works of the flesh whiles working for God, pause and question your motives.

Lord, may everything I do be for you and through you.