Knowing Christian Music

"Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation." Psalms 95:1 NLT

Music is an essential part of Christian worship. Wikipedia rightly explains Christian music as "music that has been written to express either personal or a communal belief, regarding Christian life and faith." I believe we all know that Wikipedia is not a Christian oriented online encyclopedia but it describes Christian music in such a way that many Christians do not even know. Some Christian music today are not Christian at all; imagine a Christian music that does not reflect Christian faith and life. Consequently, there is a great need for us to separate Christian music from other songs. Ed Stetzer identifies about seven music tests but I will use five that are most relevant here in this message:

  • Message Test: Examine the words of the song and consider its message. Does this song communicate the Word of God? If we seek to glorify God, it's important that the message of the songs be consistent with what God has already told us in the Bible.

  • Purpose Test: All music was written with a purpose in mind. Here we ask, "For what purpose was this song written?" or "What is this trying to promote or encourage?" When we apply the purpose test to our music, we choose songs whose purpose lines up with our own as Christians and the values of our local church.

  • Association Test: No music exists in a vacuum. An otherwise good song may be rejected because of its associations. The key question for this test is, "What does the music bring to mind in the heart of the worshipper?" Don't confuse the question. It's not what does it inspire in my heart, but what does it inspire in the hearts of the worshippers .

  • Memory Test: Memories and past experiences are often associated with significant songs. This can be positive or negative. The memory test asks, "Does the music bring back things in your past that you have left?" Remember, repentance is a significant step in conversion. If you have left the darkness, don't sing songs that make you want to return. This is often a personal issue, as some may struggle with memories associated with a song that can be enjoyed free of those thoughts by other Christians.

  • Emotions Test: Music stirs our emotions— both negative and positive ones. The emotion test asks, "Does the music stir our negative or sinful feelings?" Christian music should stir our passion for godliness, prayer and righteous living. When these music tests are applied with the leadership of the Holy Spirit, I believe, you won't have problems choosing a right Christian music. Furthermore, it will improve the way people evaluate your church music. As you are singing songs of victory this year, sing the ones that will glorify God and motivate others to serve God. Father, help us to always choose the right music that glorifies your name and draw men to you, in Jesus' name.

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Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; eph 5:19

Our kind of music should be anointed.
Nice post