Why do prominent Christians now preach prosperity instead of salvation?

in #christian-trail7 years ago

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According to the scripture, in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5, we have been told that in the last days, perilous times shall come, when men will be lovers of their own selves, which will brings about Christians placing their own priority and interest above God's will and plans concerning them. This connotes more willingness to please the flesh than God, crafting and re-fabricating God's word to please their own self . At the conclusion of that scripture, it said having all form of godliness,  and concluded by saying from such turn away. Bringing the reality of this scripture to the days we are now, many Christians have misled people by sugar coating the bible to please their feelings, and also  preaching what will please men, especially as the economy is not too pleasing, people want where they will easily be enriched than waiting for the appointed time of God. They use christian religon as a means of advertising prosperity and deviating from God's intrest of preaching salvation, which is the most needful and essence of christianity. Also the bible says it is not all that call God,God,  shall enter into his kingdom. Though salvation is still preached but not as prosperity. The bible says seek first the kingdom of God and his riteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you, including prosperity. But we should note, salvation is the basic and the essence of christianity.May God liberate us from all form of ignorance and satanic strategies to drag many to he IJN.