What does the bible says about sex before marriage?

in #christian-trail6 years ago

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 Bible has so many references to this question. The Bible also calls it fornication. Sex before marriage is also called pre- marital sex. It is sex without marriage, this act is carried out between an unmarried man and woman. Fornication means illicit sexual intercourse. It defiles a man, according to Mark 7:21-23, Galatians 5: 19-21. The Bible advised us in 1Corintians 6: 18-20 to flee from sexual immorality, and honour God with our body. In 1Thessolonians 4: 3-5, the bible recommends that we should learn to control our body and keep it holy and honourable ,  and Do  not be like pegans I.e people who do not worship not revernce God. Apostle Paul also advised, that every man and woman should have his or her own wife or husband. In other to avoid temptation. Therefore, if one is a true christian, be advised to either get legally married in line with the scripture or abstain from sex  before marriage. Because  it is done before God and sin is a hindrance to our blessing . God will kill the flesh of sin and grant the ability to obey His word.