Who is great? It's not the world leaders , the wall street wizards, the Hollywood super stars, or the super bowl champs. It's not not even the great spiritual leaders of our times. These people aren't always who God considers great. According to the Lord, it's often just the opposite. According to God, "Whosoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whosoever wants to be first must be your slave- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve"(Matthew 20:26-28). This is real greatness. This is why the Father honors His Son so much. And this is the greatness that the Son wants us to experience.
Yeah, this is a law most people want to just or avoid because they just want to be great overnight without serving.
Thanks for sharing
You'll get your reward just for being you, thank you.
You have said it all. 👍👍
Yeah, but not all though
i am very happy to read your story ... i like ... good idea ..
Thanks for taking your time to read it.
It's is really true, greatness comes to you only when you believe in the word "greatness " dont believe in the word impossible because even the words says I m' possible.
Another great response, thank again.
You are welcome bro
[its just on u, what u want and what you do for it]
An old saying from my country. thanks for your upvote @thomasbrown
Good idea !
Wow Nice post.....Thanks for share.........
Thank you very much.
Nice words, so true. Thanks for this post, keep it up
For great responses like this i'll have to keep it up.
This is the power within you only.you will become what you would like to.
@thomasbrown, thank you for your thoughtful perspective on "greatness"! It's powerful yet, 180-degrees out of phase from how our world seems to work!
You have chosen Jesus Christ, who some might call, the Son of God, others might say He was the greatest Teacher of all times!
Regardless of ones opinion, His brand of leadership was one of Service and Servanthood! He was a "foot-washer" of His disciples! He "hung out" with, respected and showed love to the marginalized and social outcasts - drunks, prostitutes!
His life exemplified that the greatest among us are the ones who SERVE the most vulnerable and needy. In fact, about showing love and mercy, he said, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of THE LEAST OF THESE brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matt 25:40). He was all about loving and taking care of "the least of these" among us!
Thank you for your refreshing and timely reminder of how we should be!
Wonderful response.
If you want to be great you have to believe in yourself and stop laziness and rise to realize your dreams.