My Answered Prayer gave me Goosebumps Yesterday

in #christianity8 years ago

Hi everyone! I wanted to quickly share what happened yesterday.

My sister contacted me with big financial troubles involving mortgage and tax payments she has not been paying for some time. She decided to contact me once it was pretty well to late to do anything about it. My sister required over $10000 dollars within a couple of days. I was really upset because this really could have been avoided if she had asked for help a bit sooner. I am not trying to be a hero or show how giving I am, I do not want my sister and kids thrown onto the street. Also this was not cheerful giving, I was mad. This would put me in a financial strain and a bit of marriage strain as well!

I asked my wife to pray with me. I asked God for guidance, a solution, send an angel with a blessing, whatever he could do to help this awful situation. I have received and seen so many answered prayers over the years. Many doctors have been confused with outcomes involving healing in our family. I have so many stories involving healing, where the doctor could not explain what happened or even stated that was a miracle. The difference between this answered prayer and the healing answered prayers is that the non-believer will always say that they just healed or the doctor messed up. The probability of this situation happening is extremely low.

Three hours after praying I received a text from my sister. My mother managed to win $46000.00 dollars on a slot machine. My mother gave her the money to pay the lawyers last night. Now I know what is in your mind, but it also came to me too. God used gambling to help his children? I am going to say yes. God will do whatever it takes and do whatever he wishes to help his children that cry out to him. Why would God give Samson power to kill to protect his people? God is their to be a protecting loving Father and will use whatever he wishes to help.

I had to share this with you because it did give me goosebumps how fast God acted. Remember that prayer is powerful, and pray for everything that gives you worry.

God Bless


God is amazing! 💕

Praise Him! Bring in a time of not making the ends meet the is further encouragement to me, have already had a money appear in the pocket miracle waiting to see in what ways he'll continue to provide. Tnx much for sharing this with us.