With regards to Peterson's interview, I think you first have to deal with the observation (what Christianity has offered seems to work where every other system has failed) and then ask the logical question (why is this the case?). I think that's something Peterson explores in his extensive biblical lecture series. I haven't made it very far into the series yet, but it's been pretty interesting. You can find them on YouTube if interested.
There's quite a bit you have listed out there, but a lot of it seems to orbit the age old question of evil. That is, of course, a great question. But it's also one for which there is no shortage of answers. If you want to kick it really old school, Augustine covered the topic in great length. Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" is a great piece of classic literature on it, but I'd first recommend you to C.S. Lewis' "The Problem of Pain."
I may write a little on this next week as well, if I manage the time.