Messages hidden in plain sight

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

(The Economist, 1988)

Here we go... we have reached 2018!
Another year gone by and the final days keep trickling on, but the grand deception is only in the early stages.

What I am showing you here is what some would consider an 'easter egg,' found by the "truthermovement;" namely those who study the practices of the rich top 1%, and have eyes to see the occultic messages the globalist elite send out through the corporations they control. Call it predictive programming, lesser magick, social conditioning, subconscious mind control, etc.- the point being: the elitists feel compelled to tell us through symbols how they will manipulate the masses (simply search '9/11 predictive programming' on Youtube and you will have a hayday, as long as you go to credible journalists). Maybe you have seen controlled opposition articles with titles like "10 things the Simpsons predicted" or things like this on mainstream fakenews websites. T.V. is a tellLIEvision, and enforces PROGRAMMING. This Economist magazine cover works in the same manner.

Anyway, I do not know how long this earth will last, but I do know the Biblical end of days signs are becoming very blatant (microchip in the right hand or forehead anyone? (#Revelation 13)). Interestingly enough, the globalist elite aspire to achieve the creation of a world currency. Should be an interesting year if they follow through with their plans. Their end goal: a one world government, a one world religion (excluding 'fundamentalist' Christian views, those who profess Jesus as King, the Word made flesh), and this all will be headed by the antichrist ruler in the name of "peace and safety." What do you think? Are we moving beyond the use of fiat cash?💲

"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you ahead of time..."
-Jesus Christ, Yeshua

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie..."
-Apostle Paul


I've come to see that what we give our attention to helps it to grow.

So instead of watching them, I'm doing what I can to make the world a better place by inspiring people to be loving, kind and generous. Reminding them of their limitless potentional, the power of our mind to heal the body, the importance of letting go of hate/anger/jealousy/pride and consciously engage in the act of bringing peace/love/joy/harmoy/humble aspects into the world. We are the lights of the world and this tyranny cannot exist in the face of such Truth and light and love. Tyranny depends upon living in the shadows.

So be a light unto the world, let your light shine! Be the love you are, and keep your mind always to the light, look not upon the face of the demon and empower it, it only has reality in your attention to it, but the Light is there for no matter what, it is always waiting, loving, patient, kind, and it is because this light is non-controlling that it has given us free will, free will to gaze at our shadow, or return to the light.

to me the end of days means the end of time, the end of the time bound mentality that the ego depends upon to survive, it is the end of the ego, the shadow, and we rid ourselves of the shadow by looking up.

Thank you for this thorough response. I agree that giving too much attention to what the demonic world is trying to do can be detrimental to ones spirit, but I also understand that we were called as Christians to expose the darkness as well. I think it can depend on the individual. If we do not expose the darkness, then our fellow brothers and sisters will not wake up to the reality of the days of Noah in which we live. For me, I always seek balance between these two spheres: between exposing what is done in secret against us, and in rejoicing and reading Gods word to strengthen and inspire me, along with encouraging fellow believers. Overall I am a very positive guy most of the time, and I focus on the heavenly realm as much as possible too, but I also feel called to be a voice to those who still do not understand that the days of Noah are here.