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RE: Securing A Turn Around By The Force of Praise

in #christianity6 years ago

This is full of error. No, if you praise God continually he won't bless you continually or give you what you want.

No, the tabernacle of David wasn't praise. Here's what one of the Bible commentaries says:

Amos 9:11. In that day — In this and the following verses, to the end of the chapter, we have a most consolatory conclusion of this prophecy in sundry evangelical promises, after so many very severe and sharp menaces. The phrase, in that day, signifies here the same as afterward, or, after this, for so St. James interprets it when quoting this very verse, Acts 15:16. And there are other places of Scripture where then, or in that day, signifies afterward. Will I raise up the tabernacle of David — This promise seems, at least in the first place, to be intended of the return of the Jews from the land of their captivity, their resettlement in Judea, rebuilding Jerusalem, and attaining to that height of power and glory which they enjoyed in the days of the Maccabees. This restoration was an event so extraordinary, and the hope of it so necessary to be maintained in the minds of the Jewish people, in order to their support under the calamity of their seventy years’ captivity, that God was pleased to foretel it by the mouth of all his prophets.


Why do you find it hard to understand simple scriptures? Why do you confuse yourself with what you don't know? I have told you several times to ask question and I will be glade to answer them or some other person that is knowledgeable in the things of God can answer as well. Concerning the issues you raised, my post is simply explaining the potency of praise, and let me also tell you that any person with good understanding of the bible knows that Judah means praise. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Judah is: Praise. The praised one. Fourth son of Jacob and Leah a direct ancestor to Jesus Christ. The words Jew and Judaism are derived from his name. An explanation for his name is given in Genesis 29:35