New World Order Bible Versions

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

My sister introduced me to this video. The very end of it made me (a grown man) cry. It wasn't just a tear either, it was a full blown outburst of tears with sound. The video clip was shot in Asia, and a briefcase of Bibles were placed then opened in front of a crowd of people in a small room where missionaries were preaching. Without hesitation they all leaped to their feet and rushed to grab a Bible. Some were clutching their Bible, multiple believers were kissing theirs, smelling theirs, and some were even hugging theirs as if it were their children. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I thought to myself of how much I take for granted. I have so much and become so distracted in my daily life, that my Bible sits in my house, and collects dust. And for these people in Asia, the Bible was more precious than gold. Please take the time to watch this film, I promise that it will touch your heart. If you don't have time to watch the video to its entirety please skip to 1:31:39 of this video, and watch and listen to the powerful words of Pastor Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church lead into the clip that broke me. I hope this finds you well. Praise God, and may He bless you and your family!

Merry Christmas.



It sounds like he's a believer only in the King James Bible. Not only that, every Bible translated afterwards aren't only inaccurate. They're the work of Satan.

The King James is filled with translation errors. It's 500 years old. Word meanings have changed. It's very difficult to understand. I'm sure if there's an authentic Bible that Satan prefers it's the King James.

The King James Version contains certain translation and textual errors which will facilitate a global transition from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to the false gospel of the Antichrist. This addendum hopes to present information which will enable the reader to understand what the Gnostic doctrine teaches and which mistranslations in the KJV support these errors. Coupled with the fact that the KJV will be interpreted according to “letter meaings” and “bible codes” purported to be contained in the text, it behooves Christians to undertake an objective evaluation of the KJV, as they should do with all translations in their language. The fact that foreign language translations are now, for the most part, translated from the KJV rather than the Greek Textus Receptus, makes this report equally relevant to non-English speaking Christians who use foreign translations.

We do not believe that the Translators of the KJV intended to mistranslate important words that will affect the interpretation of end-time prophecy. All of these translation and textual errors predated the 1611 KJV and can be traced through successive English translations which, according to King James’ instructions, were “to be followed, and as little altered as the original will permit.” The mischief appears to have originated with the Wycliffe translation, although one major error was inserted in a later edition of the KJV. Whatever the various reasons for these mistranslations in the King James Version, they needed to be corrected and, in every case, the New King James Version made the necessary corrections.

The fact that a large network of KJV-Only defenders have made it their profession to misrepresent, not only these translation and textual errors, but hundreds of others, as accurate translations of the Greek Textus Receptus, while they tout the KJV as God’s perfect Word and condemn the NKJV as a Satanic version, and allow no one to update or correct the KJV – not to mention their suppression of vital information (e.g. the Translators’ Preface), their manipulation of textual data, their frequent misquoting of sources, their distortion of history and lies without end – in short, their thoroughly deceitful treatment of the Bible version issue, makes it difficult to resist the suspicion that King James Onlyism has a sinister interest in preserving these translation and textual errors in the Bible.

It must be emphasized that these mistranslations did not originate with the King James Version but in the Wycliffe translation, which was translated from the Latin Vulgate. Furthermore, the Wycliffe translation carried a greater number of these corruptions than the Vulgate which is not surprising considering the evidence that John Wycliffe and the Lollard Knights were agents of the Rosicrucians. (See Chapter 19: “The Lollard Movement: John Wycliffe” and preceding sections.)

In the following report, we have analyzed certain translation and textual errors in the King James Version which may be used to promote the false gospel of the Antichrist. In this analysis, each KJV error is compared with the Greek Textus Receptus, readings in English translations before 1611, also the Latin Vulgate, the Syriac Peshitta and the Septuagint when applicable, and the NKJV. We have included other relevant information, such as the origin and history of the word (Etymology) and the pagan meaning and associations of the word (Mythology), to show the potential problems with these mistranslations in the end time deception. Textual errors in the KJV are also included, that is instances where the KJV fails to translate a word that is in the Greek text, thereby giving opportunity for a false interpretation of the verse.

Thank you for your detailed response. The use of "Ghost" had no evil intent as this book you have shared. At the time of its usage, Ghost was considered what spirit is today. Please refer to the link I have shared with you below...