GOOD NEWS ! Hell doesn't exist !

in #christianity7 years ago

So I started seeing in the news yesterday headlines that I found absolutely mind boggling. Apparently the Pope (or Petrus Romanus if you will), the leader of the largest Christian denomination in the world has stated that hell doesn't exist. All the bad souls just disappear( Now of course the Vatican scrambled to deny this as well as slandering the (atheist) journalist who made the claims ( Now, I'm not Catholic, but doesn't this seem antithetical to, oh, I dunno....CHRISTIANITY !I can't think of a book in The Bible where hell is not mentioned or discussed in some capacity. Of course what else should we expect from a pope who has accused abuse victims of slandering their abuser/bishop (, rewrites the 10 commandments ( and fails to uphold pro-life Christian doctrine ( Maybe I'm rambling and not fully wrapping my head around the situation tho....but in the end, looks like the Pontiff god a little godsmacked...hours after the interview in which he stated hell doesn't exist...plaster started to fall from the ceiling ofSt.Peter's Basilica...perhaps the Lord was trying to make a point.