How important are morning prayers?
The answer in 13 points?
- Morning prayer is very important because you meet God before meeting the devil.
- You meet God before meeting the circumstances of life.
- You talk to God before talking to men.
- Communicate with God before your fellowship with others.
- You hear news from Heaven before receiving news from the earth.
- You sit before God before sitting in front of men.
- You kneel before God before kneeling before men.
- You honour God before honouring men.
- You enter the presence of God, before entering the presence of Men.
- You nourish your Spirit before feeding your body.
- You call Jesus before calling all the other little names in the world.
- You first look at Jesus Christ before looking at yourself in the mirror.
- Sweep your heart with impurities before sweeping your house. So, beloved, wake up, communicate with your Lord: Jesus Christ!
Prayer is a powerful weapon, this weapon is in your hand, and its power is in your mouth, so get up, and use the power of prayer, which will endow you with the power from on high.
To get up in the morning to pray, is a powerful secret to succeed, to obtain power and grace from the source God's beloved resteem this message with our friends so that we will be in the habit of putting God in the first position everyday in our lives.