Christianity and Islam

in #christianity7 years ago

People often ask, is Allah God?
Many opinions abound.some concluded that Allah is simply God-thesame God of the bible, as he is known in Arabic language.some say he cannot possibly be.
Well, everybody is entitle to his or her own claim, but lets dig out some dry bone fact to see if we can identify who Allah really
*My first point is drawn from the fact that, the Arabic name for God is not Allah", its "Ilah.
*The paradise Allah promised his worshipers is quit diffrent from the heaven God promised the christians.
Lets look at one striking diffrence between the the two.
-Allah promised to give beautiful virgins as reward to those who made it to paradise.(surah 44:51-55).

  In one of the Hadith we have this narative:

Hozrot Ali (r.a) narrated that the apostle of Allah said, "There is in paradise an open market wherein there will be no buying nor selling, but will consist of men and women.
When a man desires beauty, at once he will have intercourse with them as desired.
This is a total contrast to what th bible tells me about heaven.

-Now lets take a look at the remark of Jesus as it may concern heaven.

*John saw only a glimpse of it(heaven) in Revelationimages (2).jpeg and could describe only as he could as a human being.
Now in mattew 22:30-31, Jesus told some religious leaders,
"You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection, people neither marry nor be given in marrige;they will be like the angels in heaven."
Allah says all muslims will have a taste of Hell.

The Quran makes a shocking but clear statement that apart from the unbelievers and other unserious Muslims, All muslims will go to hell first.
"There is non of you that shall not go there(hell)-this is the judgment your lord has purposed. Then we shall save those who fear Allah, and we shall leave the evil doers in the fire on their knees(surah 19:17-72)download (1).jpeg.
Honestly to me its a funny claim, these Entities can never be thesame.
In (John 14) Jesus said; "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but by me.
Now Mohammad tells us he is not even sure of what will be done with him on the last day.
Let him speak for himself.
"By Allah (i swear) Though i am an apostle of Allah, yet i do not know what Allah will do to me.(Surah 46:9)
Again, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus christ"(1 Thessalonians 5:9)images (1).jpeg
This is what our lord promised us, he didnt say we'll first go to hell.

    I dont know what your take is this matter,  but i have made my conclution.
                 Whats yours?![Screenshot_2018-06-26-02-02-54.png](

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

*The paradise Allah promised his worshipers is quit diffrent from the heaven God promised the christians.
It should be different instead of diffrent.

You missed the fact that the writer used the word "quit" instead of "quite".

Muslims are taught to hate the Jews. The real God doesn't hate the Jews. The Jews are still God's chosen people. He still has a purpose for them.

Correct bro