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RE: Can a Christian Defend the Blockchain?

in #christianity7 years ago

The follow represents my opinion. From a Christian and a Bitshares perspective I am embarrassed by the Arise situation.

This is not the first time someone in a community has done something embarrassing or foolish, and it won’t be the last. I once had a friend, and a church member who was a drunk. As an alcoholic, got drunk, ran from police, he did foolish things, he lost his license, job, spent time in jail and had to go in front of a judge multiple times. As Christians several of us were there. In the courtroom, there was an understanding of yes, he did it. Yes, he is foolish. Yes, we knew punishment is in order. We wanted to help the guy get his life back in order. The judge sent him to several treatment programs. He was sorry, he confessed publically in the church and we as a community did the best we could for him. Unfortunately, as a drunk, well it was rough. Frankly, History repeated itself.

When I started looking into arise, I noticed certain red flags. It seemed to me that certain claims that were made were untrue. It appeared to me that Arise was lying. According to what I understand the investigators have uncovered, further evidence supports that claims were untrue. I am glad the investigators shut down what I think was a scam early and I am glad Jared will have a day in court to explain everything. I do not know all the facts of the case, but I do not need too. However, I do not see an attack on Jared as an attack on Crypto or an attack on the church. Jared, made his bed, now he needs to lie in it.

Unfortunately, embarrassing things happen. We all have relatives. This is life. Stuff Happens. You all don’t need me to explain that. I also want to acknowledge there are complex things at work in various cases that may well be far more than I comprehend.

It is true, there are way too many scams in crypto. We also know that the people who built the transcontinental railroad were not exactly good characters. Indians were shot, civil war veterans dealt with emotional trauma and Congress was bribed. Out of it all, a huge progress was made. I think the same is happening with crypto. But having some of the craziest roughest characters in it, we build a hack proof secure infrastructure. Once the railroad was built honest folks were able to come out west and the west was won. The frontier was settled. Today, in crypto we are building the tools future generations will use. It is not all good characters or people to be proud of, but there is something great happening.

My opinion on arise, ultimately does not matter, each of us needs to answer to Christ and to God for what we have done. I as a Christian am embarrassed by Arise. This is why I have said little. As a Crypto community members and as Christians we have responsibilities to speak up. This is what openness is all about. Let each person research and come to the conclusions as they see fit.


The embarrassing thing about Arise is that Jared was innocent of all serious charges and the BitShares community (a vocal few) railroaded him into getting unnecessarily taken down by false charges. All of his supporters and investors were greviously harmed in the name of protecting them from a threat that didn't exist.

This is why Christians art taught "Judge not, that you be not judged." ... for the metrics you apply to others will be applied to you.

Jared will emerge from this as an extremely popular developer and folk hero. Too bad no one will remember those who unfairly crucified him.