Testimony- A Trip With The Supernatural- A personal experience with the dark side

in #christianity7 years ago

Angels...Demons....The Devil...God..


I know we all have our own personal beliefs, theories, opinions... I call the big guy upstairs "God"...but I leave it up to you. I won't judge you. He can be your Creator, the Universe, Buddha, Chance,(insert your belief).

Well this part of my story started some years ago in High School. A friend of mine states he is able to "astral project" and travel around the world as he wished. I did not care, nor did I thought much about it.

What is astral projection?

Its when your spirit leaves your body and you are able to explore the astral realm, earth, etc...but whatever...I'm no expert on it...but its in the back of my mind nonetheless.

astral flying.jpg

Fast forward years later...

I watched a you tube video about a former Satanist named "John Ramirez." John said before he was converted, he would leave his body in the spirit and cast curses on neighborhoods. He would cast a curse of drugs and lo and behold, drug dealing would be prominent in that location. An evil spirit (fallen angel) would claim that area. He would cast a curse of "prostitution" in another area. That corner would have prostitutes...

john ramirez.jpg
But on one particular day...he could not cast his curse... John was puzzled. He was outside his body in astral form, and he sees in the corner of the neighborhood, a group of people praying.
They were praying for that neighborhood...He absolutely had no power over them...

Fast Forward some months later...

I knew better...But I was curious... I wanted to try astral projection. You guys have to understand. It was my personal belief that astral projection was something a Christian should not do. But I was stupid...curiosity got the best of me...I'm glad I'm not a cat...

So one evening I got ready for bed. I lied down....I followed the steps I've read about...

Before I fell asleep, something strange happened. I felt and heard some shaking, vibration noise outside my ears. It sounds almost like a distant earthquake drawing nearer...the rumbling, the shaking...


I knew then, I was about to leave my body in astral form... but all of a sudden I heard my dad's voice calling out to me in the Khmer language. He simply said "Ahpra"

In English, it is equivalent to "Boy"...and for some reason, I decided to will myself awake instead.

I'm sure you guys have those moments right? You are in that stage between dreaming and waking...as you are waking up...your dreams fade away... It's something like that...

I went online that morning and read about another person who shared a similar experience. Interesting I thought. My wife that day, told me she had a bad dream...but she was unwilling to share it with me...

A week later at church I told a friend about my attempt to astral project. My wife was present and suddenly said "Ya! That night I dreamed that he was demon possessed!"


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My wife dreamed I was demon possessed!!! God warned me through my wife's dream. That evening, I immediately asked God for forgiveness. I took oil and anointment my apartment.

I stupidly opened the spiritual door for evil to enter my home...my life... my family...

But the Big Guy upstairs... simply called out...


He simply spoke in my father's voice... And I'm glad did. I'm glad he woke me up... because I have no idea what mess I would be in today if I kept that craziness up....

Angels...Demons...The Devil....

God.... I'm glad he is on my side...

Jesus saves.jpg (Call out to Jesus in your time of trouble...He lives...and He loves you....Believe me....)

Note: I just learned a little more about the Christianity and Steechurch tags last night! This was an old post that I should have shared under Christian related tags. So here it is again as I repost this blog . I am still fairly new to Steemit. Maybe my niche should be under Christian related topics. Please support me through your prayers. My name is Maly.

My dream of making a video game and a Prophetic utterance that I will be rich