Eternal life is what God has promises to his good and faithful servant where everybody else can live righteously, peacefully and joyfully. Heaven is the holy place and the exact home to where soon we are going and live eternally.
How can we live in Heaven
To live in heaven, you must acquire the necessary things, obligations, responsibility and work in order to do so. Accept that Jesus is the only God and savior who died on the cross for our sins and be baptized in his name then you will receive the gift of the holy spirit. By that, all things will follow and be given by God depends on your heart.
It is nice to see if we all can live in heaven. Actually God really love to open the door of heaven for all of us and it's our choice to get inside or stay remain outside. Happiness always comes last just like heaven, one must suffer and be challenge first before entering to the kingdom of God.
It's your choice always but be wise and think deeply.