in #christianity7 years ago


Dishonesty has become so commonplace in politics, in business, and in the world in general that it seems downright normal. But people know instinctively that they should tell the truth. We certainly expect it from others, knowing that the world can't function if no one is trustworthy.
The Bible takes lying so seriously that one of the Ten Commandments forbids it:
"Do not testify falsely against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16. The Bible also says something in Psalm 101:7 But no one who traffics in lies, gets a job with me; I have no patience with liars. (msg bible)
There are such severe reactions to people who mishandle the anointed and his anointing. They are not actually mishandling men but they are mishandling God. When Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter, who was anointed to be an apostle, they died instantly. This was a severe reaction which frightened the other church members. But Peter explained the mistake that Ananias and Sapphira had made.
But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to LIE TO THE HOLY GHOST, and to keep back part of the price of the land?(Acts 5:3).
Ananias and Sapphira had actually lied to the Holy Spirit. They were not lying to Peter but to the Holy Spirit and that brings about severe and seemingly harsh responses.
Be careful when you are dealing with anointed people. You may shorten your life and ministry because you underestimated and misjudged the greatness of the anointing they were carrying.
You may ask, “Why is it that many people lie to pastors today and do not seem to die instantly? Is it that they are not anointed?”
The answer is simple. There are different types of manifestations of the Spirit at different times. Even in Peter’s ministry, no one else died for telling lies. You can never tell when God’s power will manifest in a certain way.
I am sure many other people have died for telling lies to the Holy Spirit. It may not be instant death but death is still death.


Lies destroy. The truth may be hard to speak but it's always the best choice. Liars always are afraid of the truth coming out which it always does. Lovely message.

Telling the truth hurts but that is the greatest armour we have to put on in order to make the world a better place

sure,thanks for passing by

Telling the truth hurts but that is the greatest armour we have to put on in order to make the world a better place