Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. Isaiah 29?13
Modern "Churchianity" is a faint shadow of the faith God presented in the scriptures. We bow before man with no regard for the Word of the one they claim to speak for. We abandon God's appointed days and celebrations in favor of repackaged paganism. We claim God when we are afraid and chalk our good fortune up to our own abilities. We are trifling.
We have hope. Where man has taught us lies, we can and must seek the truth. Where tradition goes astray from the scripture, we must break away. Those who have ears to hear, rejoice. God is calling us away from the deceiver's lies and into his Kingdom.
Father, you are I AM. You are our father in Heaven from whom all creation came. The evil one's appointed time is coming to a close and your Spirit is working great wonders even now in the name of your son, Yeshua. I pray that you would soften the hearts of your chosen people. Break us free from the bondage that is upon us and allow us to see the fullness of your wonderful truth. Where we would speak of your for appearances sake, strike our hearts and make us see our great need for your saving mercy. Father, reveal yourself to us. I pray these things in the name of Yeshua, that your Holy Spirit would move within us, guiding us to the Father's Kingdom. Amen
In the wealthy, free countries like the U.S. the churches are indeed like businesses, and machines of man's making. Too much is about keeping those machines running.
I agree, and to my mind they are so much worse in that the mainstream spirit-less churches falsely claim to do all they do in the name of the Lord. Fortunately (unfortunately for their followers), their ways are nowhere to be found in the scriptures and they do not represent God as he has asked to be represented. I am 100% for doing away with the policies that allow the crooked mega corporations and spiritually bankrupt church entities to operate as they do.
That's why I think blockchain is so important. I want to be able to give to a worthy cause and see exactly where my dollar goes. Why are the preachers driving Bentleys while their people suffer? Definitely @doule
I tend think that the most faithful churches are in the countries that don't have much and the Christians are often violently persecuted.
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