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RE: Copyright Violation - Why it is morally wrong

in #christianity8 years ago

I forgive you. :-)

You are right. I have been around the block a few times. My first career was as a schoolteacher; I sold real estate for a while before going back to college; i worked as a computer programmer (I programmed in Cobol); I then worked in management before going back to school again in the 90s to study photography! I worked for 2 years in a stock agency as a staff photographer before going out on my own 20 years ago.

I have also been a Christian for many, many years, and started 25 years ago on the advice of my husband to keep reading through the Bible from beginning to end. I'm not bragging about this, just establishing who I am. Reading the Bible in its total context is crucial to understanding it. It is too easy to take verses out of context and make them say what you want them to say. You have to understand what the whole book is saying.

The Bible is not as you say about a way of living or setting a good example: The Bible is about one thing - one person only, Jesus Christ. The bi-product of looking at Him and seeing who He is, is a desire to be like Him which then leads to setting an example and living a way of life that is in sync with what the Bible says. But it's not because we try; it's because the Bible changes us as we read it, and the truths become second nature to us.

You misunderstand if you think that being a Christian means you are to sit back and never be angry. Jesus showed righteous anger when he overturned the temple tables. Anger is righteous when someone has done you wrong. That does not mean that you hold a grudge forever, or think about it night and day and let it ruin your day . Perhaps that happens to you, but I do not dwell on such things. Just because I posted an article about copyright violation, does not mean I'm walking around angry all the time. Anger is not an emotion I even experience very often! I'm a very laid back kind of person. So, no! It did not ruin my day! As I said, my focus daily is on Jesus, and He works all things according to His purpose.

The bottom line is that it does not matter anyway what your opinion is, or my opinion is. I'm not going to change your mind and you are not going to change mine. What does matter is God's opinion. And He does tell us pretty clearly, "Thou shalt not steal." He does not add any exceptions to that. He does not say, "thou shalt not steal unless it is a stock image. " I did not write the book. I just follow it.

I understand that all of this sounds trivial to you, as you seem to think that it is ridiculous for me to be concerned about something so minor as lost income. However, being a Christian does not make me a wimp that sits back and is walked over! But I also understand that you are not dependent on stock photo royalties as your means of income. If you did, I can assure you that your attitude would be totally different. As I wrote in my #introduceyourself post, I have no problems with adapting to the changes as the market becomes flooded with imagery. That is fair competition. What I do have a problem with, is the attitude in today's world that says you can do whatever you want as long as you get away with it. That is what is happening - and it is wrong!

That is why I am a member of the Copyright Alliance, which is fighting to keep photographers, artists and musicians from losing the rights to their own hard earned work! The world is full of people who want something for nothing, and those fighting copyright enforcement are fighting to have the right to take anything they want and use it. I have read the comments in our Copyright Alliance posts. I know what is being said on the other side!

As for the answer to why the evil prosper, only God has that answer! Our opinion of why does not matter.

Isaiah:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

On that comforting thought, Good- Night! :-)
