I know I am seeing this a few days later my friend but it still was encouraging! I had a long week as well and there is nothing like that weight being taken away once Shabbat starts, there is nothing like and something that is hard to describe to those that don't keep the Sabbath!
I know I am seeing this a few days later my friend but it still was encouraging! I had a long week as well and there is nothing like that weight being taken away once Shabbat starts, there is nothing like and something that is hard to describe to those that don't keep the Sabbath!
Thanks brother. That was very encouraging. Shabbat Shalom!!!
Good stuff!
Saw this on NYSTV FB page and bawled my eyes out! Shabbat Shalom!
Hi @thefarmerswife! Homesteading mama AND Torah! Praise YAH!
Awww. I'm sorry you balled. I'm not sure if we are friends on FB, but if not, you and your husband should friend my wife and I.
I shall! Bo doesn't do Facebook. What's your wife's name?
Friend me, you'll find her on their.