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RE: Free will and Morality - How can you have one without the other?

in #christianity8 years ago

I can understand that perspective. We all need to figure out a way that it all makes sense for us.

My main issue with that line of thinking, is that it seems to me you make God responsible for sin, suffering, and death.

Imagine a young mother living in Pakistan who never heard the gospel, is killed along with her children by a drone strike. Now, if God knew everything that was going to happen, and it was all according to His plan, then that means God created that women and her children just to live life as unbelievers and die young, never hearing the gospel. The children never getting a chance to grow.

To me, it seems that if you say God planned everything that happened, that means God is the originator of evil, or at the very least un-Holiness. He created it when He created man because He knew man would sin, yet made him anyway.

I also think the most logical reading of scripture indicates free will. God is constantly telling people to change. He's warning, cajoling, threatening, sending prophets and droughts... You don't warn someone if you already know what they are going to do because you planned it. You only warn them if they are capable of changing their minds.

Plus, there are times where God seems unsure of what's going to happen. (EX 33:5, Ex 4:8-9, Jer 26:3) Sometimes He seems surprised. (Ish 63:8-10, Jer 3:6-7 & 19-20) Not to mention the times God changes His mind.

That all implies that to some degree God lets man decide what's going to happen. If it truly is man's decision then it can't be already decided by God. That reduces man to mechanical toys that God made to amuse Himself.

Anyway, I know I'm of a minority opinion on this one. I understand I'm not likely to change anyone's mind about this, but I'd like to put some pebbles in some people's shoes. There's just too many Christians walking around saying you have to be a Calvinist to follow Jesus, or KJV only, or sacred name, or Hebrew roots, or Catholic, etc... I think a lot of people have never heard thinking from another perspective, so I'm here to help!