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RE: Atheists and Christians - Attacked From All Sides

in #christianity8 years ago

First, the old testament is normally overlooked by most Christians as it is full of very ugly happenings, like sacrifices, genocide etc and is only used when they try to prove Jesus is the Messiah, which I find strange because the Messiah is only for Jewish people, nothing to do with Goyim, God can have a son? Why in the world would he have a son? He can create anything he wants, and you can say we are all sons of God, but if he has a son then that son is equal to him, that would give us two Gods, and remember the 10 commanments, there is only one God. And then I will face the Judgement Seat of Christ, ok, but don't you think burning in hell for eternity is just a little to much punishment for whatever bad deeds I made here, and another thing, suppose Hitler before he pulled the trigger repented and accepted Jesus, does that mean he is going to heaven, and the millions of people he killed in concentration camps will be going to hell because they didn't?


gduran, Valid points. Some of the bad things make more sense in light of more information. I believe God can have a son in the sense that he is created directly by God. In the Bible, the title Son of God is also synonymous with the Christ so it's sort of a multi-faceted title. I don't have an entirely solid position on hell, but I know there are some who believe that the concept of eternal torment is false.

Something to keep in mind...a lot of the stuff we know about Christianity is taught by tradition. For example, most people want to go to Heaven, that is the goal, but the Bible teaches over and over that we will inherit the earth; That is what Jesus preached, The Kingdom of God, eternal life, peace on earth. It makes you wonder.