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RE: Thoughts for the day - 3/6/18

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

There's only one true measure of charity which I believe in. And that is: "It has to hurt." If it doesn't then it ain't charity, for you will only be giving from your excess.

But believing is one thing. Practicing it is another. For me, sadly, I still find it next to impossible to live up to my standard of charity. It's an inner struggle really when I know I ought to give more but refuse to do so for whatever convenient reason I can think of just so I don't have to give more.

This is the challenge that Paul's message today is giving us. Give from the little that you have. That has to hurt. And even though the amount you give is insignificant, if that is all you have then you have sown bountifully.

So I pray to the Lord that He helps me overcome myself and teach me to be truly charitable.


You have so beautifully articulated this challenge for yourself as well as for me. It is truly a constant personal reckoning. But as I have told @jumpmaster our Father does not impose guilt, that is Satan's trick. Pray for peace in this and it WILL be granted.

When we owned a youth center a few years back, my annual income was 1/4 of what it cost to run the center. We gave all of what we had plus borrowed money. I did not know how we would keep the doors open, but I knew our Lord did. Within a short time multiple opportunities came out of absolutely thin air, not connected with the center which changed our financial foundation.

I strongly believe in this verse not just that wealth might be returned, but blessings will absolutely.

I just read your comment above and I must say I read it over and over again because every time I read it a new reflection comes to mind. It's just like reading it for the first time even if you've read it before. And many times at that.

The first time I was reminded that wealth returned can come in so many different forms, not only money. Health, serenity, peace in the home and workplace, safety and so much more are blessings more than money. Thank you for reminding me of that.

The second time I was reminded that commitment to a purpose is important. Your youth center is the perfect example of this. You not only had a vision but a cause which is far more potent than the former. People die for a cause but not for a vision. Cause is held in your heart unlike vision which is only in your mind.

The third time reminded me that charity is not only about money. It is about time, concern, love, empathy, or simply an offer of a shoulder for someone to cry on.

The fourth, and I am going to make this the last as I might go on and on, is prayer. Prayer for peace of mind that the Lord will guide you and help you in your works of charity that ultimately they become pleasing to His eyes. P. U. S. H. (Pray Until Something Happens!)

Have a great day today (from my end of the world).

All I can say is you brought a tear to my eye.

Thank you brother, I am humbled and your words have given me much joy this day.