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in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

Very true.

We lost our first from birth complications, but went on to have two more. Two is it for us (unless God changes His mind), and I am grateful because the experience of losing our first was so traumatic I still have PTSD from it. BUT the two we have are such a blessing. 💕 I was terrified to have kids, initially; there were significant concerns about hereditary genetic issues, and I am guilty of listening too much to the feminist tripe about how women need careers more than families... it took God surprising us with our first to really change my worldview. Walking through the loss was not something I’d wish on my worst enemy... but in hindsight, the grief was a gift in that it really showed me where my priorities were, and where they needed to change. It showed me where I had let toxic relationships rule my life, and where boundaries needed to be set. I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today if I hadn’t gotten pregnant with Michael. That was an incredible gift.

And if a child I was never able to bring home was able to bestow such a gift on his mother... what more can the children I did bring home do? How much more will they enrich the lives of those around them??


Wow. What a hard thing to deal with. At least you persevered and were still able to be a mother. I love your closing thoughts too!

It was. The medical community is not very kind to women who have lost children and still want more (you become a statistic to be “managed,” and less of a human being), and it was very isolating. But God is GOOD! ❤️ So, so, amazingly Good. I have been a believer since I was a child, but my story as a Christian really started the morning after having my second. I had stayed awake as long as possible fearing his birth was a dream, but eventually drifted off with him sleeping on my chest in the recovery room. I woke some hours later, looked down and... he wasn’t moving. I started to panic, thinking I had dreamed it all and here I was, cradling another dead child when HE MOVED. Took the tiniest, sleepiest, sweetest little breath and snuggled back against my chest. And my heart broke wide open. In that moment, I told God, “whatever You want from me, I’m Yours.” 💕

And what a wild, amazing, beautiful ride it has been the four years since. 😍

The medical community is not very kind to women who have lost children and still want more (you become a statistic to be “managed,” and less of a human being), and it was very isolating.

In what way? Were they trying to tell you to not have anymore kids because you might lose them too?

Everything from that to my OB telling me he preferred to “carve me up like a Christmas turkey” (his words, not mine) and how he didn’t care what my experience was so long as he didn’t fail — totally disregarding the fact I was anemic and a high hemhorrage risk that time if they did need to do surgery. Guy was on a power trip. All I had asked for was a chance at a normal experience. There was no medical reason they could find why my first son inhaled meconium and suffocated, they did autopsies and ran tests on everything and couldn’t find squat. Yet at every opportunity I got treated like a criminal. I fired him at 38 weeks prego when he started threatening to not let me leave his office without signing papers giving him total control to do as he wished, and found myself an OB who understood what I’d been through and was asking.

And wouldn’t you know, both my second and my third sons were born naturally, in under 5 hours, zero issues, and we all had fantastic recoveries. 👍🏻

Wow. What a messed up world we live in. Baby four was born in our living room because of a lot of what goes on in the hospital. Couldn't find a good midwife in the area down here for baby number 5, so we waited until there was only one nurse in the room. My wife and I were standing together, with her in front of me. Out of nowhere she squatted slightly and I caught him. LOL - You should have seen/heard the nurse.

Oh, I love this so much!! Good for you! 😍

Yeah, this world is messed up. Most mommas just need support and faith in their body’s ability to do its job, not being treated like pregnancy is a pathological condition. 😕 Life is beautiful! Births are amazing! And those memories stick with you forever.

Yeah, hospitals are usually just for the sick and dying. Most pregnancies and deliveries have nothing to do with either.

My midwife didn’t make it in time for my youngest. My mom and husband delivered her as I lay in the comfort (or as comfortable as I could be given the situation :) of our bed.

How are doctors like that even still working?? They must skip the oath these days to “do no harm.”
I’m happy to hear your last two experiences were good ones! 😀

What a powerful testimony. <3

Thank you. 💕 God is amazing and Good and So Much Bigger than ANYTHING!