Lumina Jubilee, our 2 year old daughter, has been struggling lately with fever, pain, seizures and even vomiting. As a result we find ourselves in hospital tonight. Baby is resting now and if I do say so myself she looks perfect but her temps are still high and doctors believe she may have an infection.
God is Good:
Thank God we have a medical system such as ours in Canada and we are blessed to have advanced medications which help a lot. Thank you also to all our family and friends who are bringing food, visiting to sit with us through this and all those holding us up in prayer.
Prayer is Powerful:
I have felt a wave of relief and encouragement from your beautiful loving messages, thank you. I truly feel the power of your prayers, and I see it in my baby who has not had any seizures since we called for prayer publicly.
What a special girl, what an amazing gift. This child has torn my heart apart only to help me build it new again, God uses us all. God uses Lumina to provoke conversations like this one. May he use her for many precious and glorious years to come.
Thank you Jesus.
Daily Devotionals:
I was working on my daily devo today and yesterday as I struggled along side my baby girl and as always God had encouragement for me in His word.
I am continuing through both Fast like Daniel, and Bible in a Year 2018, and we are learning about trusting in God's loving, goodness, and the justice of his sovereign plan. As well as what it means to be filled by His power and assurance through prayer, fasting, reading scripture and time meditating over His word and works.
Today's verse of the day was:
‘Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.’ (Matthew 7:24)
For me this is a reminder to look each day at God's promise of faithful love, and implementing that in my actions. He is Good. He is worthy. He deserves my obediance, committment and that needs to change everything.
If you enjoy the content please consider up-voting, and I will be posting similar content for at least a couple more weeks as part of a 21 day devotional challenge aimed at drawing closer to the Lord. I'd love to have you join me on this journey. And as always please leave a comment I always read them and do my best to reply, but being in the hospital makes it harder.
Thanks for your time and attention. Many blessings to you and yours.
I'm glad that she's doing better, poor little baby :( I remember what it was like to be so frightened when your kids get sick. Sending all the good vibes, prayers, well wishes and thoughts I can to you and yours.
Que el poder de Dios cuide y proteja a el nene:')