No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 6:24 (KJV)
Christianity seems poorly understood by Christians, and consequently it is even more poorly understood by nonbelievers. Christians all too often worship The State, and justify anything done by government. The mythology of governmental legitimacy and a weak nod to Romans 13 is presumed to justify every violation of every commandment. These "Christians" claim the government's police abuses, immigration restrictions, wars, taxes, and more must be respected despite the Bible's injunction to be honest, merciful, and generous; or to not murder and steal. Governments get no special exemptions. God is no respecter of persons or their self-appointed titles.
Even worse, many "Christians" want to use government power and establish themselves as petty gods. This goes far beyond the heresy of worshiping the idols established by others. It is also the most likely thing to make non-Christians believe Christianity is a religion of authoritarian busybody control freaks rather than a chosen relationship with the Prince of Peace.
Norman Horn was interviewed on The Bob Murphy Show recently, and whether you are a Christian or not, I think you will find it intriguing to explore the Biblical basis for a libertarian anarchist view of Christian doctrine. We are not of this world, and politics is part and parcel of the mammon in the bible verse above. Money is not the root of all evil, but the love of power and money is idolatry, and claiming the right to violate others under man-made laws is rejection of Christ. That is evil indeed.
Fucking Amen brother, I know so many who claim to be Christian but worship the altar of the state. They have made the state their God and give their energy to it. Many have quoted me that verse of render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's and render unto God that which is God's. In my understanding Jesus was being clever by giving an answer to the pharasies that was a slap in the face. Meaning exactly what you quoted in Matthew. He meant you either serve man "Ceaser" aka (the state) or you serve God. Jesus was an a anarchists trying to show us the way toward ascension and harmony with Natural Law that God established for this universe in my opinion. So many fake ass Christians that have been led astray.
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Indeed. The Pharisees wanted one of two outcomes:
Jesus says Jews owe taxes to Rome, which ends his appeal to the crowd, or
Jesus openly says Jews shouldn't pay taxes, which results in immediate imprisonment and execution by Roman authorities.
Instead, Jesus chose option 3, exposing the hypocrisy of Pharisees carrying a graven image of a deified Roman into the temple while alluding to the crowd's daily choice of who to serve.
Thank you for this post man, I am a new fan of yours. Keep being the Salt and Light brother.
I spent my life pointing just this paradox not very receptive audiences , mostly! lol
Romans 13 written by a guy who was literally executed for disobeying "authorities."
Oh, but you see, 2,000 years ago Paul was writing about 'MURKA and how we need to obey Trump! [/sarcasm]
I can't even remember how many "christians" tried finger wagging me for not "supporting God's man," or "respecting the office" on social media.
Trying to serve a satanic world system and Jesus simultaneously... Wonder how that's working out for them?
Well, they discard the fruit of the spirit for the poison of politics at the drop of a hat, so we can judge how well it works on that basis.
Hello, @jacobtothe,
A more or less random cruise by Larken's blog, where I saw one of your articles re-Steemed, reminded me of your existence...
What can I say about this post, but Preach it!
Thank you.

Thanks for the support! Yup, I am still here posting an odd assortment of anarchist stuff and hobby stuff. Oh, and recently I seem to have angered some porn spammers.
Steem on!
Listening. Not sure if I'm going to make it through the whole hour-plus tonight, though. One of these days, I also want to read Vernard Eller, especially Christian Anarchy: Jesus‘ Primacy over the Powers.
G.K. Chesterton also wrote quite a lot that I need to read. The quotations I have seen here and there are intriguing.
Shoving religion down people's throats, going on murdering rampages in the name of God and raping kids is evil too.
Probably a bit more evil than idolising the love of power and money. Or someone even posting pictures that you disagree with on steemit.
Christianity is a force for evil in this world and of that there is no doubt.
People who act as you describe are not following the teachings of Christ, no matter what label they may apply to themselves. And in so doing, they are claiming unjust power over others.
Your images don't include a proper attribution link, and don't include any original content. You're just reposting someone else's content in a lazy bid for STEEM. That is why they were flagged.
The bible scripture is worth repeating. I say, AMEN to:
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 6:24 (KJV) And in the end, we will either get the Seal of God or the mark of the beast.
I don't know about you, but I am doing everything I can (studying , increasing my faith, repenting of all my sins, and keeping the Commandments of God) so that my name will remain in the book of life. This is my focus.
Remember, we are saved by grace, not works. Works are evidence of our gratitude, not our means to salvation.