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RE: Exposed: The Powerful Secret Hiding What "Christ" Really Means

in #christianitylast year (edited)

I've been digging into a lot of different perspectives as I realize how much latent Christian Nationalism still lurks in the recesses of my mind despite my best efforts. I think the old Bad Quaker podcast played a major role, and I remember when the Libertarian Christians podcast was new. The LCI now has a whole roster of audio content creators to explore, taking apart everything from politics to how we were taught to interpret Biblical terms and passages. Everything from what "Christ" means to how we should understand Romans 13 and "Render unto Caesar" needs to be weighed.


Hey, Friend!

"Everything ... needs to be weighed."

From your lips to God's ears... You know, "The unexamined life..." and all...

Bad Quaker, Strike the Root, etc... many good efforts toward changing minds and hearts. Sadly, we are all so mired in our upbringing, dragged down by our past, indoctrinated by and steeped in the culture we've been raised in. I call it "living in Babylon." We can't help but become damaged, and it takes ever so long to unlearn all the bad stuff... It's discouraging when I consider how long it's taken me to get to my present level of clarity, and I'm still finding myself needing to unlearn things...

As in Jesus' own day, the penchant of virtually all "church leaders" to—in actual practice—elevate canons, creeds, catechisms, and tradition above the very Word of God is utterly destructive and detrimental to the advance of the Kingdom of God in this world.

The start of what promises to be an outstanding series from The Bible Project makes it quite plain that The Kingdom of Jesus/God is not only an egregiously downplayed and now missing component of the true gospel (good news), but is what King Jesus intends us to make absolutely central to our lives and motivations.

Thanks for reading and engaging!🙏😄



I'm finally trying to finish sorting some thoughts on how Christains are addressing a specific issue in public discourse today, and I am linking to your article here as part of the discussion. I'm not begging for a vote, but I would appreciate some honest criticism in the comments when you get the notification you've been tagged as it goes live later.

You've got it, Bro...

But come back and ping me if I don't respond reasonably promptly. I don't have a very good system for keeping up with things...😜