Bendiciones y un cariñoso saludo a Steemit como familia, agradecida a Dios y a ustedes por su apoyo por esta oportunidad para forma parte de su página, por darme la bienvenida como integrante de su comunidad y expresar por este medio de comunicación mis testimonios, como cambio mi vida y la de mi familia al abrir las puertas de mi corazón a Cristo Jesús, al TODOPODEROSO y Rey de Reyes, al nacer nuevamente y Él formarme una nueva criatura, para así poder servir de ayudar, consejo, contribución y ser de ejemplo para muchas personas que lo necesite, pero siempre basando en mi guía de vida.. la Biblia.
2 Corintios 5:17 dice: “De modo que si alguno está en Cristo, nueva criatura es; las cosas viejas pasaron; he aquí, son hechas nuevas”.
Dios me regalos muchos dones pero creo que el más importante es como me ha procesado por un filtro para que tenga la serenidad para enfrentar las tribulaciones, siempre tomada de su mano Poderosa, y exaltando su Santo Nombre, me llamo Josefina Foucault, mi apellido es de origen Frances, aunque soy venezolana de familia muy humilde, criada por mis abuelos los cuales no tenía ningún tipo de estudio, pero si buenas costumbres, sentimientos y muchas cualidades; las cuales herede y le doy gracias a mi Señor Jesucristo por su misericordia para conmigo.
1 Pedro 1:7 dice: “Para que sometida a prueba vuestra fe, mucho más preciosa que el oro, el cual aunque perecedero se prueba con fuego, sea hallada en alabanza, gloria y honra cuando sea manifestado Jesucristo”.
1 Pedro 4:10-12 dice: Como buenos administradores de los diferentes dones de Dios, cada uno de ustedes sirva a los demás según lo que haya recibido. Cuando alguien hable, sean sus palabras como palabras de Dios. Cuando alguien preste algún servicio, préstelo con las fuerzas que Dios le da. Todo lo que hagan, háganlo para que Dios sea alabado por medio de Jesucristo, a quien pertenece la gloria y el poder para siempre. Amén.
Soy adoradora, esclava, temerosa e hija del Dios Altísimo, con mucho orgullo digo que pertenezco a la Iglesia Evangélica Cristiana “A Dios sea la Gloria”, vivo en el país de Venezuela, estado Sucre – Cumaná; el cual nuestro Padre Celestial le bendijo y regalo tantas riquezas, naturales, flora, fauna y mineral y muchas más… aunque el hombre no ha sabido valorizar su tesoro.
1 Samuel 12:24 dice: “Solamente temed a Jehová y servidle de verdad con todo vuestro corazón, pues considerad cuán grandes cosas ha hecho por vosotros”.
Proverbios 15:33 dice: “El temor del SEÑOR es instrucción de sabiduría, y antes de la gloria está la humildad”.
Les presento la Historia de Estado Sucre – Cumaná y algunas fotografías para que pueda apreciar la belleza de sus paisajes….
Blessings and an affectionate greeting to Steemit as a family, grateful to God and to you for your support for this opportunity to be part of your page, for welcoming me as a member of your community and expressing my testimonies by this means of communication, as I change my life and that of my family to open the doors of my heart to Christ Jesus, the ALMIGHTY and King of Kings, to be born again and He form me a new creature, in order to serve as a help, advice, contribution and be an example for many people who need it, but always based on my life guide .. the Bible.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things happened; behold, new ones are made. "
God gives me many gifts but I think the most important is how he has processed me through a filter so that he has the serenity to face them, always taken from his powerful hand, and exalting his Holy Name, my name is Josefina Foucault, my last name is of origin Frances, although I am a Venezuelan from a very humble family, raised by my grandparents who did not have any kind of study, but good habits, feelings and many qualities; which I inherit and I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for his mercy for me.
1 Peter 1: 7 says: "That your faith may be tested, much more precious than gold, which though perishable is tested with fire, may it be found in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is manifested."
1 Peter 4: 10-12 says: As good stewards of the different gifts of God, each one of you serves others according to what you have received. When someone speaks, be their words like words of God. When someone does some service, lend it with the strength that God gives him. Whatever you do, do it so that God may be praised through Jesus Christ, to whom glory and power belong forever. Amen.
I am a worshiper, a slave, a fearful daughter of the Most High God, I proudly say that I belong to the Evangelical Christian Church "To God be the Glory", I live in the country of Venezuela, Sucre - Cumaná State; which our Heavenly Father blessed and gave him so many riches, natural, flora, fauna and mineral and many more ... although man has not been able to value his treasure.
1 Samuel 12:24 says: "Only fear Jehovah and serve him truly with all your heart, for consider what great things he has done for you."
Proverbs 15:33 says: "The fear of the LORD is instruction of wisdom, and humility is before the glory."
I present the Sucre State History - Cumaná and some photographs so you can appreciate the beauty of its landscapes .... Blessings and an affectionate greeting to Steemit as a family, grateful to God and to you for your support for this opportunity to be part of your page, for welcoming me as a member of your community and expressing my testimonies by this means of communication, as I change my life and that of my family to open the doors of my heart to Christ Jesus, the ALMIGHTY and King of Kings, to be born again and He form me a new creature, in order to serve as a help, advice, contribution and be an example for many people who need it, but always based on my life guide .. the Bible.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things happened; behold, new ones are made. "
God gives me many gifts but I think the most important is how he has processed me through a filter so that he has the serenity to face them, always taken from his powerful hand, and exalting his Holy Name, my name is Josefina Foucault, my last name is of origin Frances, although I am a Venezuelan from a very humble family, raised by my grandparents who did not have any kind of study, but good habits, feelings and many qualities; which I inherit and I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for his mercy for me.
1 Peter 1: 7 says: "That your faith may be tested, much more precious than gold, which though perishable is tested with fire, may it be found in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is manifested."
1 Peter 4: 10-12 says: As good stewards of the different gifts of God, each one of you serves others according to what you have received. When someone speaks, be their words like words of God. When someone does some service, lend it with the strength that God gives him. Whatever you do, do it so that God may be praised through Jesus Christ, to whom glory and power belong forever. Amen.
I am a worshiper, a slave, a fearful daughter of the Most High God, I proudly say that I belong to the Evangelical Christian Church "To God be the Glory", I live in the country of Venezuela, Sucre - Cumaná State; which our Heavenly Father blessed and gave him so many riches, natural, flora, fauna and mineral and many more ... although man has not been able to value his treasure.
1 Samuel 12:24 says: "Only fear Jehovah and serve him truly with all your heart, for consider what great things he has done for you."
Proverbs 15:33 says: "The fear of the LORD is instruction of wisdom, and humility is before the glory."
I present the Sucre State History - Cumaná and some photographs so you can appreciate the beauty of its landscapes ....
Blagosloveniya i teploye privetstviye Shtemitu kak sem'ye, blagodarny Bogu i vam za vashu podderzhku etoy vozmozhnosti, chtoby byt' chast'yu vashey stranitsy, chtoby privetstvovat' menya kak chlena vashey obshchiny i vyrazhat' svoi pokazaniya s pomoshch'yu etogo sredstva obshcheniya, poskol'ku ya menyayu svoi zhizn' i zhizn' moyey sem'i, chtoby otkryt' dveri moyego serdtsa Khristu Iisusu, LYUBYM i Tsarem Tsarey, rodit'sya svyshe, i On sformiroval menya dlya novogo tvorchestva, chtoby sluzhit' v kachestve pomoshchi, soveta, vklada i byt' primerom dlya mnogikh lyudi, kotoryye v ney nuzhdayutsya, no vsegda osnovyvayutsya na moyem putevoditele po zhizni ... Biblii.
2-ye Korinfyanam 5:17 govorit: «Itak, yesli kto vo Khriste, to eto novoye tvoreniye; proizoshli staryye veshchi; vot, sdelany novyye ».
Bog dayet mne mnogo podarkov, no ya dumayu, chto samym vazhnym yavlyayetsya to, kak on obrabotal menya cherez fil'tr, chtoby u nego bylo spokoystviye, chtoby protivostoyat' im, vsegda vzyatyy iz yego mogushchestvennoy ruki i vozvyshaya yego Svyatoye Imya, menya zovut Zhozefina Fuko, moya familiya imeyet nachalo Frensis, khotya ya venesuelets iz ochen' skromnoy sem'i, vospitannyy moimi babushkami i dedushkami, u kotorykh ne bylo nikakogo issledovaniya, no khoroshiye privychki, chuvstva i mnogiye kachestva; kotoryy ya unasledoval, i ya blagodaryu Gospoda moyego Iisusa Khrista za yego milost' ko mne.
1 Petra 1: 7 govorit: «Chtoby vasha vera mogla byt' ispytana, gorazdo boleye dragotsennaya, chem zoloto, kotoraya, khotya skoroportyashchiysya, ispytyvayetsya ognem, mozhet byt' nayden v pokhvale, slave i chesti, kogda proyavlyayetsya Iisus Khristos».
1 Petra 4: 10-12 govorit: «Kak khoroshiye rasporyaditeli raznykh darov Bozhiikh, kazhdyy iz vas sluzhit drugim v sootvetstvii s tem, chto vy poluchili. Kogda kto-to govorit, bud'te ikh slovami, kak slova Boga. Kogda kto-to delayet kakoye-to sluzheniye, dayte yemu silu, kotoruyu dayet yemu Bog. Chto by vy ni delali, delayte eto tak, chtoby Bog mozhno bylo pokhvalit' cherez Iisusa Khrista, kotoromu slava i sila prinadlezhat vechno. Amin'.
YA poklonnik, rab, boyazlivaya doch' Vsevyshnego Boga, ya s gordost'yu govoryu, chto ya prinadlezhu k Yevangel'skoy khristianskoy tserkvi «Bozhe, slava», ya zhivu v strane Venesuely, Sukre - Kumana; kotoryy nash Nebesnyy Otets blagoslovil i dal yemu tak mnogo bogatstva, yestestvennosti, flory, fauny i minerala i mnogiye drugiye ... khotya chelovek ne smog otsenit' yego sokrovishche.
1-ya Tsarstv 12:24 govorit: «Boytes' Gospoda i ispolnyayte Yego istinno vsem serdtsem vashim, chtoby rassmotret', kakiye velikiye dela on sdelal dlya vas».
V Pritchakh 15:33 govoritsya: «Strakh Gospoden' - nastavleniye mudrosti, i smireniye pered slavoy».
YA predstavlyayu istoriyu gosudarstva Sukre - Kumana i nekotoryye fotografii, chtoby vy mogli otsenit' krasotu svoikh peyzazhey ....
salaa allah ealayh w salam w tahiatan hart l stymit kaeayilat, mumtanatan lilah w lakum ealaa daemikum lihadhih alfursat litakun juz'aan min safhatik, liltarhib li kaedu fi mujtamaeik waltaebir ean shahadati min khilal wasayil alaitisal hdhh, wa'ana taghyir baladiin wahayat eayilati lifath 'abwab qalbiin lilmasih yasawiea, walmalik wamilk almulawki, liualid maratan 'ukhraa, wayushakil li makhluq jadidin, min ajl 'an takun bimathabat musaeadat walmushawarat walmusahamat watakun mithalanaan lilkathirin alnaas aladhin yahtajun 'iilayha, walakuna dayimaan ealaa 'asas hayati dalil .. alkitab almuqadas.
2 kwrnthws 5:17 yaqul: "ldhalik, 'iidha kan 'ayu shakhs fi almasih, hu khalaq jadidun. hadathat 'ashya' qadimat;an ha, jadidat masnuea ".
allah yaetini aledyd min alhadaya walakun 'aetaqid 'ana al'ahama hu kayf ealijni min khilal murashah bihayth ladayh alsafa' limuajahatiha, dayimaan makhudhat min yadah alqawiti, w 'iiksaltingh aismuh almuqdisu, aismi jwzfyna fuku, aismi al'akhir min 'asl fransis, ela alrghm min 'anani finizwiliyun min eayilat mutawadieat jiddaan, alty 'atharaha 'ajdadiun aldhyn lm yakun ladayhim 'ayu nawe min aldirasat, walakun eadat jayidt, walmashaeir waledyd min alsfat; alty 'aruthaha wa'ashkur rabiy yuswe almasih lirahmih balnsbt ly.
1 butrus 1: 7 yaqul: "ana 'iimank ymkn 'an takhtabira, 'akthar thaminaan min aldhahabi, walati ela alrghm min qabil liltalafi hu aikhtibar bialnaari, wayumkin 'an yakun mawjudaan fi althana' walmajid walsharf eindama yatajalaa yasue almasiha".
1 butrus 4: 10-12 yaqul: kama alhukkam aljayidin lilhudaya almukhtalifat min allaha, klun wahid minkum yakhdim alakharin wifqaan lamaa kunt qad talaqayta. eindama yatahadath shakhs ma, takun kulamatihim mithl kalimat allh. eindama yafeal shakhs ma bed alkhidmati, wa'iiqradih mae alquat alty yuetih allh. mahma faelt, tafeal dhlk hataa 'ana allah qad yakun 'ashad min khilal yuswe almasihi, aldhy almjd walsultat tantami 'iilaa al'abd. amin.
'ana eabadat, eabda, aibnat khayifat min allah aleazim, wa'ana 'aqul bifakhr 'an 'antami 'iilaa alkanisat al'iinjiliat almasihia "an yakun allah almjd", wa'ana 'aeish fi balad finizwilla, sukri - dawlat Cumana. aldhy 'abna alsamawia almubarakat wa'aetah alkthyr min altharawat altabieiat walnabatat walhayawanat walmaeadin waghiruha alkthyr ... ela alrghm mn 'ana alrajul lm yakun qadiraan ealaa qimat kunazih.
1 samawyiyl 12:24 yaqulu: "alikhawf faqat yahuh wakhadmuh haqana mae kli qalbika, lilnazar fi al'ashya' aleazimat alty qam biha laka".
al'amthal 15:33 yaqula: "alikhawf min alrubi hu taelim alhakmati, waltawadue qabl almajd".
'aqdam tarikh aldawlat sukri - Cumana wbed alsuwar hataa tatamakan min naqdir jamal almanazir altabieia ....
Bénédictions et un salut affectueux à Steemit en famille, reconnaissant à Dieu et à vous pour votre soutien à cette occasion pour faire partie de votre page, pour me accueillir dans le cadre de leur communauté et d'exprimer ce média mon témoignage, et changer ma vie et celle de ma famille pour ouvrir les portes de mon cœur à Jésus-Christ, le Tout-Puissant et le roi des rois, à naître à nouveau et la forme une nouvelle créature, afin de servir d'aide, des conseils, entrée et être un exemple pour beaucoup les gens qui en ont besoin, mais toujours basé sur mon guide de vie .. la Bible.
2 Corinthiens 5:17 dit: "Si quelqu'un est en Christ, il est une nouvelle création; de vieilles choses sont arrivées; voici, de nouveaux sont faits. "
cadeaux Dieu m'a beaucoup de cadeaux, mais je pense que moi comment traité le plus important à travers un filtre pour avoir la sérénité pour y faire face, toujours pris de sa main puissante et exaltante son saint nom, mon nom est Josefina Foucault, mon nom de famille est d'origine Frances, bien que je suis vénézuélienne famille très pauvre, élevé par mes grands-parents qui avaient aucun type d'étude, mais si de bonnes habitudes, des sentiments et beaucoup de qualités; dont j'hérite et je remercie mon Seigneur Jésus Christ pour sa miséricorde pour moi.
1 Pierre 1: 7 dit: « Que le procès de votre foi, plus précieuse que l'or qui, bien qu'il soit éprouvé par le feu, l'on peut trouver la louange, la gloire et l'honneur à la révélation de Jésus-Christ. »
1 Pierre 4: 10-12 dit: En tant que bons intendants des différents dons de Dieu, chacun d'entre vous sert les autres selon ce que vous avez reçu. Quand quelqu'un parle, soyez leurs mots comme des mots de Dieu. Quand quelqu'un fait du service, prêtez-le avec la force que Dieu lui donne. Quoi que vous fassiez, faites-le pour que Dieu soit loué par Jésus-Christ, à qui la gloire et le pouvoir appartiennent pour toujours. Amen.
Je suis adorant, esclave, craintif et fille du Dieu Très-Haut, je dis avec fierté que j'appartiens à l'Eglise chrétienne évangélique « A Dieu soit la gloire » vivent dans le pays du Venezuela, État de Sucre - Cumaná; que notre Père céleste a béni et lui a donné tant de richesses, naturelles, florales, faunistiques et minérales et bien d'autres ... bien que l'homme n'ait pas été capable d'apprécier son trésor.
1 Samuel 12:24 dit: "Seulement, craignez l'Eternel et servez-le sincèrement de tout votre coeur, considérez les grandes choses qu'il a faites pour vous."
Proverbes 15:33 dit: "La crainte de l'Éternel est l'instruction de la sagesse, et l'humilité est devant la gloire."
Je présente l'histoire de l'état de Sucre - Cumaná et quelques photographies pour que vous puissiez apprécier la beauté de ses paysages ....
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