Godly Talk- Do you Spare Time To Pray?

in #christianity7 years ago

Praying is not all about convincing an eternal embodiment of divine wisdom to change its mind about anything. Prayer doesn’t change it changes us.

Bringing ourselves into a place of better understanding of God’s intention eases our path through the wilderness of life. We have the power of prayer to create fundamental change within us — the only place we can control completely.

Personally i don't pray everyday but at least i try at times to constantly pray to God for guidance, wisdom, love, kindness, gentleness, etc.. Whenever I do something wrong, it was because I didn't. Doing evil separates us from communion with God.

I try at times to be thankful always for all things. The times where I was ungrateful were the times I obviously wasn't thankful.

He's always ready


The most important thing to remember is that prayer is just actually talking to God… Just as you talk to your earthly father or mother.. Or a true and trusted friend. Such prayer is based on having a close and intimate relationship with God.

He lives and deeply cares for you and if you are in relationship with Him then you can talk to Him about absolutely anything, wherever you are and whenever you want to. He is deeply interested in every detail of your life and desires you to ask Him so that He can truly be your Covenant Partner in getting the job done.


Indeed pray is the key to all things..
Something I have learnt and picked...

Thanks jordan

My thought exactly! Prayer is aimed to change us;-

Bringing ourselves into a place of better understanding of God’s intention eases our path through the wilderness of life. We have the power of prayer to create fundamental change within us — the only place we can control completely.

That is why the word of God (bible) says in all things we give thanks to God! Gratefulness is very key here;-

I try at times to be thankful always for all things. The times where I was ungrateful were the times I obviously wasn't thankful.

Wow! The closing is remarkable. I love this, God is never mocked. Wow! Keep steeming Dear. God bless you;-

He is deeply interested in every detail of your life and desires you to ask Him so that He can truly be your Covenant Partner in getting the job done.

wat do you say about praying in tongues?