All Kings have three Symbols
- Crown - Represents Power
- Sensor - Represents Influence
- Scepter - Represents Authority
The most important is the Scepter. ( Authority )
A King can have power, but no Authority.
A King can have Influence, but no Authority.
When you have the Scepter ( Authority ) you have everything.
There are some Powerful people in the Church who have no Authority, so dont be swayed by there power, they may not be Authorized.
Jesus talks about them when He says many shall says didn't we cast out demons in your name. He says yeah but I never knew them. They were not Authorized.
The key is Authority, not power. God gave David Authority not Power.
The devil is not afraid of your Power.
Ex. Moses and his Staff with Pharaoh
Mose dropped his Staff and it turned into a snake, Pharaoh showed his power and dropped his staffs and they turned into two snakes.
But what the devil didnt know was that Moses didnt come in power, But the Authority of God.
Moses snake ate both of Pharaoh's snakes. AUTHORITY will eat up power.
Never confuse Power with Authority. Don't pursue power, pursue who has Authority and get under their Leadership.
Every Power gift of ability needs Authority to function legally.
The key to success in life us submission to Authority.
Power is - Ability, energy, force.
Authority is - Right, permission, release, responsibility.
Because you are Anointed doesn't mean you are legal.
Ex: And illegal Alien can come to the USA, achieve the American Dream
( Power ), but he is not Authorized ( legal) NO AUTHORITY.
Authority is the right to use Power.
One more Example:
Who pays for their Cable TV?
Who has Bootleg Cable TV?
You both have cable
You both have the Power to watch cable
But only one is Authorized ( One is illegal, not authorized)
( Images came from public domain and my creation)
Good point. I think we know who has the Scepter of Authority! The Messianic King from the line of Judah (Genesis 49:10).
True indeed!!
But we also need to learn to submit to other forms of authority in our life.
LOL, I like that!!