Okay, so if you read Part 1 of this, fellow Christian Steemians, I used the word “tithing”. I was really using the word as a metonym, meaning that it stands for giving out of the income that the Lord has blessed you with.
It was pointed out to me that we as Christians are “free” from the “law” of tithing. True, but there are benefits pointed out in the Old Testament, specifically in the Book of Malachi, that God gives us, if we give from our “substance”, our “blessing”.
Speaking for myself and my family, I have noticed when I give 10% or more - you can give MORE, or less too, I guess - I have seen God bless us supernaturally. Extra income came from out of nowhere, bills went down or were paid off faster, etc.!
God also says:
I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 3:11 ESV)
I have seen him prevent evildoers from messing with us and our “stuff”, and here He says He will “not destroy the fruits of (our) soil” and “(our) vine in the field shall not fail to bear…”
Hmm...could he also be talking about our Steemit efforts?
You must have reposted this.
Tithing was part of the Old Testament law for the Jews. They received a special blessing for tithing. That's not true for Christians.
We should still give but we shouldn't expect to be blessed financially in excess of what we give.
@barncat, Did you read my answer to your previous comment in Part 1? Maybe we shouldn't "expect" to be blessed financially in excess of what we give, but God can and will still do it! See 2 Corinthians 8:1-7; 9:6-15. Thanks for the comment, and Blessings!!!