As you read this, allow God speak to you, yes allow the Holy spirit convince you---- Recently I began to search my Christian life to know where things have gone wrong and how i can return to my first love

I advice you do the same today,don't postpone it. At first when you came to the Lord, you were so hungry for God,you prayed without ceasing,you fasted, you studied the word of God daily--- you won people to Jesus every day,you would go to Church early and wonder why the Church had to close early. All you did was about Jesus.

Along the line something went wrong, you no longer place high value on spiritual things anymore. You got tired. You can't help.

This sign will be common in these last days, This is because the Bible says in the last days the love of many shall wax cold.

God is calling us to repentance and revival. The end is near. Friends let's be open hearted and return back to Jesus. The era of lukewarm Christianity is over. Remember its not by your own power but by the grace of God

Pray this prayer; Father have mercy on me for departing from my love,I come today with a hungry heart. Lord prepare me a sanctuary, pure and holy,tried and true. Make me worthy to partake in the rapture in Jesus name. Amen

Jesus is coming soon. Don't be left behind.


Yes I’m ready he’s coming soon to save us I can feel it