Jesus is Coming Soon

For in the last days, the love of many shall wax clod--- one of the things Jesus said will be common just before his return is that the love of many will wax clod, people will become lukewarm, and some believers will fall asleep as in the case of the ten virgins. As the return of Jesus gets nearer and nearer, the bible says that the love of many shall wax cold, meaning a time would come when people will depart from their first love and become lukewarm.

With no doubt, this prophecy or sign of the return of Jesus is fulfilling in our time, there are people who I knew were zealous for God but today the things of God matter less to them, they have become lukewarm. This is sad because Jesus is about to come and most of his people are now lukewarm. Will you still be zealous for God when Jesus comes? As you read this today, begin to search your heart and ask yourself some questions.
When you first accepted the Lord, you were so zealous for Jesus, you would go to church early and wonder why the church service has to end, you always wanted to be in the presence of God--- but now, the things of God are becoming a burden to you….

Have you lost your First love for God? Have you deviated from your initial zeal for God? Do you still hunger and thirst to be in the presence of God? Do you now struggle to pray? Have you forsaken your first love? Are you still zealous for God? If you have, it’s time to return back to the Lord.

Jesus is coming soon, I know for sure that the return of Jesus is at the corner--- you cannot remain in sleep and slumber, you cannot afford to be left behind, and you cannot afford to remain in the lukewarm state. Make a change today, do no postpone, it’s time to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour if you’re yet to. You cannot afford to be lukewarm when Jesus makes His personal appearance, return back to your first love.
Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha. Amen.
Let us pray

Father, set me on fire for you in these last days.
Give me oil in my lamp; keep me burning. I want to be among those that carry the anointing for the last days.
Give me the baptism of fire to lead a victorious life.
Give me the hunger and passion for righteousness, and souls.

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Jesus' coming is truly around the corner, i dont want to be left out.
Dear God i dont want to be a Lukeworm. help me yarn for your more than never before. AMEN