Jesus is coming soon.

There is the second coming of Christ, there is the rapture of the Church. Jesus came the first time seek and to save the lost but concerning the coming of the Lord, the Bible says that the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and we shall be caught up together with the Lord in the air. The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, while some people are raptured, some others will be left behind..

The Bible teaches that the kingdom of God is like a man who travelled into a far country without informing his servants when he will be back, blessed is that servant whom his master shall find faithful when he returns.
Jesus has gone into a far journey (Heaven) about two thousand years ago to prepare a place for us, He will come back to take us someday, but will you be found faithful when Jesus comes? Will you still be on fire for God when Jesus returns? Will you be lukewarm when Jesus returns? Happy are you if Jesus finds you faithful when He returns.

As people are being raptured that day, some others will be left behind. Those left behind include unbelievers, the unprepared, the lukewarm Christians, and people who did not repent from sin.
“Truly truly, I will say unto them, I never knew you, depart from me you that work iniquity--- and they will reply saying, in your name we casted out devils, in your name we did miracles, in your name we healed the sick………. But he will still say unto them, I never knew you, depart from me you that practice iniquity”

Do you want to be raptured? I guess none of us wants to be left behind. Jesus is coming very soon, and the time is near. It’s time to set your house in other, do away with any sin that is yet to be confessed, it’s time to do away with any doubtful habit. Give your life to Jesus, live for Jesus, it’s time to repent, return back to your first love.
Repent!!! Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha.
Let us pray!
Lord Jesus we thank you for your word to us today. We come before you today in repentance and ask you to forgive each one of us our sin. Lord we present our lives to you afresh as a living sacrifice. Purify our lives again, wash us with the blood of Jesus. Remove from our lives every spot and wrinkles, we ask for the grace to live in holiness. Above all, that we may be found righteous at the day of Jesus’s return. In Jesus Christ Name.


Amen and Amen. Thank you for the reminder that Christ is coming back and our lives are more than just focusing on our desires, our work and fun! We should all be preparing to meet our King, our glorious and loving Father.

If you are interested I wrote an article about Faith you can check it out via this link I pray that you will be blessed abundantly as you serve Him.