Risk whatever it takes

When death cast it shadow upon us, we sing a different tune. For the righteous, those who have accepted Jesus and lived for Jesus, they sing a tune of joy unspeakable. Sadly, for the unrighteous, those who did not repent and live for Jesus, they sing a tune of sorrow for there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

God has revealed it in His word that there is a place called Heaven and there is also a place called Hell. If we repent and make Jesus our Lord and Saviour, we will spend eternity in Heaven but if we do not repent and make Jesus the master of our life, we end up in Hell. Even if you don’t believe me, dear friend please believe in what is written in the Bible. Heaven and Hell is not a fiction, these two places are as real as the world we live in. Human beings go either Heaven or Hell when they die. And one of these days, you and I will die, we will die someday.

That is why we plead with every one that is alive today, please repent and give your life to Jesus Christ while there is yet time. You may not have the opportunity to do so again. Why don’t you pause for a while and call upon the name of Jesus to save you.
If you’re reading this today, and you have not given your life completely to Jesus Christ, please pray this prayer and mean it with your whole heart.
Father, I come to you now- just as I am. I confess that you have spoken to me. I cannot, do not want to deny and disregard your voice in my life any longer. I confess and repent my lost state and my sins before You. Forgive me please. I accept Jesus as my Redeemer and Saviour now. Thank you that according to John 1:12 you now make me one of your children and that I can believe that you now also know my name- because I have become a member of your family. And so I want to thank you with all my heart. Amen.


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What a nice post .. I loved it! Christ is coming! Beware.