Happy new month everyone it just the 3rd day of the Month of June I know we are looking forward to a great month. Taking a look back the last 5 months I believe it's worth given thanks to God . There are lot of good waiting for us in June so we just take a look into God's word to get it all.
And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.
For with God nothing shall be impossible.-Luke 1:36-37
Interesting words in the above verses sixth Month, barren . The assurance from God's word can not be doubted, it clearly shows me that in this sixth month every barren situation that has not yielded any result will be fruitful : this is great so let's declare it all together
"In this month of June,every barren situation will be fruitful in my family,Job, business........(declare what you want)for with God nothing shall be impossible in Jesus name!!"
And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.-Luke 1:30-31
The above verses clearly point out what I will call
- Divine Visitation
- Goodness
- Divine favour
An angel visited Mary when she least expected it, I also believe in her life she wouldn't have taught an angel will come looking for her. Inaddition, When angels visit there is always a situation to handle.In this case,the Angel brought goodnews...whaoh...!! This is great.
Another interesting fact in the above verses: Mary was favoured; I also believe Mary wasn't the only virgin in her days,she wasn't the only young lady in her days but how come she was the one choosen. All I can say is that she was destined to be favoured, destined to be the mother of our Lord Jesus.
Now let's declare once again:
"In the name of Jesus, In this sixth Month of June,There will be divine visitation in my home,my family, my marriage, my life, there will be divine visitation for a job,help.......(declare what you want)
In the name of Jesus I receive goodnews......( Declare what you want)
In the name of Jesus I am highly favoured in this month of June........!!!"
God will answer our prayer of declaration in Jesus name..!!!
So stay focus, be of good behaviour according to God's word stay bless and thanks for stopping by to read
Big LOVE 💖❤️💖
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God answers all prayers. He answers them as yes, no, or wait.
There's no reason to be believe that God will "answer" your prayer of declaration. A prayer declaration is unbiblical in the first place. It's just wishful thinking and serves no purpose.
It would be better to study your Bible instead of just picking out the verses that seem to fit what you want to believe. Read some online Bible commentaries.
You deceive people. Are you aware of that?