in #christianity7 years ago

We all get this impression from others that we are Christians, but sometimes we begin to doubt if truly we are Christians when we begin to realize that our prayer life is so cold and not burning hot like other Christians we see all around.
One thing I have to tell you is that your heavenly father knows you will encounter this kind of problem that’s why he made his holy spirit available to all believers to be their comforter and helper, so if you have told Jesus to come into your life then be rest assured you are not alone you have a solution right in front of you John 15 vs 26 ASV But when the comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the father, even the spirit of truth which proceeded from the father he shall bear witness of me .
If you are really bothered about your prayer life, you feel you are too weak and you really want to change then my advice for you is to not give up. I had a bad habit and I kept telling myself even if it takes me 10 years I would overcome it one day, and I did within months ,I kept on praying and looking for sermons to solve that problem, so same with you never say well maybe I should just quit no and don’t get the bad habit of keeping it to yourself and say nobody understands only God will solve it, still another no , God won’t come down from his throne but he will surely send prophet and teachers to help you .
And I want you to be honest to yourself this is a problem Christian face and most times because of conscience tries to remind them that they are spending too much time on worldly conversation , and other worldly habits then they then try to read one or two chapter of the bible just to relief their conscience and then say God has a plan for me even if am not like other believers I see , I will get there someday and they do nothing about it just to cool off their conscience then finally within time the future of that believer is that the one or two chapter will be reduced to three verses then finally the bible won’t be read again, and then he or she will be caught up with the world, but still if you’re in any of this situation there is still hope. The reason why all this happens is that the devil goes about painting a bad picture about God but today I write to change that mindset.
People see prayer as a big and heavy task and that is why so many people brag about it to feel important before others and if you are one of them, I want you to stop that bad habit in Jesus name, because it will take you nowhere. To be a disciple of Jesus you have to be a man of prayer and you will get me all wrong if you go by those big, big definition of prayer, because most of it has being tempered by the devil, I advise you in Jesus name to go back to your primary school definition, prayer is communication with God, am happy to say nothing more nothing less.
John 17 vs 1 ASV These things spake Jesus; and lifting up his eyes to heaven, he said, father the hour has come; glorify thy son, that thy son may glorify thee.
So therefore prayer is speaking with your heavenly father and also it was spoken of Jesus that he was praying in the same chapter.
John 17 vs 20 ASV Neither for these only do I pray, but for them also that believe on me through their word.
This was a confirmation that he prayed for those of you in doubt ,now before this question comes to your mind let me quickly answer it, the bible in the book of 1Thessalonians 5 vs 17 said pray without ceasing does it mean we should be speaking with our heavenly father every time day, hour and minute . The answer is no even Jesus did not prayer 24hours , at this point we don’t look at the word we look at the spirit of the spoken word , it’s like a story of a mother that told her son to always off the kitchen tap so when she came back from work she met dirty dishes everywhere and she asked him why the mess and he told her “you said I should not turn on the tap” then the mother was so grieved that the son got the message wrong and said I did not mean you should not on it I meant always keep it off that’s in case you turn it on. That is the same thing with our Christian life ,God wants us to look at his intention toward his spoken words, he wants us to have the spirit of prayer ,always ready to meet God in our good and bad times , in the morning or night , if we step on a pin he wants us to tell him , he wants to know our wellbeing , before we eat he wants us to thank him the bible said in Matthew 5 that blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God . Heaven is full of those that depends on God for everything both what they can do and what they can’t do for themselves, those who are always willing to meet God for help, ready to acknowledge his presence and meet him, this is what prayer without ceasing is, it is not measured with time, but the quality of the heart not the quantity but the quality. Imagine Jesus follows you everywhere you go won’t you at least talk to him every moment of your journey now it is not just imagination it is real Jesus is even with you right now why don’t you stop reading for a moment and tell him how you feel, how sorry you are for thinking he can’t help you if you once feel worthless tell him you will never feel worthless if you are feeling discourage now tell him how discouraged you are but remember be honest don’t tell lies to your heavenly father learn to be raw with him, and if today you are encouraged then glory to God , why don’t your life your hands as a symbol of your expression of thanksgiving. One reason people marry is to share their emotions with their partner, we Christians are the bride of Christ.
Revelation 19 vs 7 KJV Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the lamb is come, and his life hath made herself ready.
2 Corinthians 11 vs 2 KJV for I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chasten virgin to Christ.
Get that habit of sharing your feeling with your heavenly father that is the security we have in him.
Songs of Solomon 1 vs 2 KJV Let him kiss me with the kisses of your mouth for thy love is better than wine.
We have a friendly father this is why we can meet him in prayer but sadly the devil have defeated so many Christians in the knowledge of him that’s why Paul prayed in Ephesians 1 vs 17 KJV That the God of our lord Jesus , may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened ; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance and in the saints.
So that you won’t go by what the devil tells you anymore, precious saint of God don’t read the bible to relief your conscience, read it to get a picture of how loving and caring our heavenly father is. Remember no man has seen God at anything but Gods nature has been revealed by Jesus Christ John 1 vs 18 but Jesus came to tell us about him and the bible tells us about Jesus, and again please don’t rush reading the bible because you not just reading a book, you are reading something more than that your reading the life of God don’t rush the bible to show other Christians how many chapters you read a day, just to sound important.
Galatians 2 vs 6 KJV but of these who seemed to be somewhat, whatsoever they were it maketh no matter to me: God accept no man’s person for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me.
Just study and follow his beautiful light.
What I can write to you today is limited on how God looks but the bible will keep telling you every day. Just study it for love sake to know how your bridegroom loves you this is so important to sustain you beautiful heavenly fellowship reality.
The world calls him God even the church but only few really can say he is my heavenly father , Jesus said when you pray say our father [Matthew 6 vs 9] Jesus in john gospel said these words holy father , righteous father and father in just one prayer because he knew who God really is , God is a caring father , but the devil paint him as a God that forces people to do things , that want us to pray but can’t help us to pray, I can mention so many things the devil brings out , so many lies, but I won’t I want you to do that , remember right now all the lies the devil have told you those thought that came to your head that mind you cry, those words that made you feel pain , that made you feel worthless just know that that is the devil painting God like a father that beat his son with a rod every day and never for once congratulate him .
David said in psalms 103 vs 14 KJV
He knowth our frame and he remembers we are dust.
God almighty, maker of the universe creator of life recognizes our weakness he remember that we are dust, he cares, and he cares more than your best friend or any of our loved ones.
In Leviticus 11 vs 30 to 35 he said if a lizard falls into your pot don’t drink water from it because it is bad for your health . He cares for you even if you have an hiccup he knows and he cares that one reason why he numbered your hair. David said in psalms 139 vs 18 when I awake I am still with thee, your still thinking about me from the raising of the sun to the noon day am all he thinks about.
Don’t go anymore by the devil lie the bible said in Ephesians 5 vs 14 KJV awake those that sleepth and rise from the dead and Christ shall give you life.
Ephesians 6 vs 13 to 14
Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand .

  1. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having your breastplate of righteousness.
    After hearing this word he that weep let him weep no more, he that sleepth awake salvation has come
    Amos 6 vs 1 woe unto them that are ease in Zion….
    After seeing this fresh manner from heaven don’t be at ease, just lift up your hand and thank him for making your redemption true today
    Songs of Solomon 2 vs 12 KJV
    The flowers has appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
    I prophesy in your life it’s a new season a new fellowship with God and a fresh anointing upon every of your being in Jesus name.
    Finally just want to enlighten you on the reason why you felt like that in the past that feeling of wanting to read the bible or pray then suddenly you will feel tired ,weak not feeling like it.
    You need to know that we are men and there are three dimension of man, man is a spirit and he has a soul and dwells or lives in a body. When you gave your life to Christ God took away your old spirit, which was already polluted because of Adams sin and gave you a new spirit and then kept his spirit within you.
    Ezekiel 36 vs 26 to 27 KJV A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh.27 And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my status and ye shall keep my judgment and do them.
    Your spirit is made in the likeness and image of God and that is why your inner being loves God and love to pray and read the bible but sadly that part can’t be seen but every day you will his prompting , telling you to pray . Be a spirit Christian
    Now your soul is that part that being saved, it consist of your will intellect and emotions .This is that part of man that has to be feed everyday with God’s word and must be reminded of God’s love and his salvation so as to sustain your fellowship with God, if you fail to get close to the life of Jesus sooner or later you will backslide and you won’t be a disciple of Jesus. Ephesians 4 vs 23 KJV and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. This is possible through meditation remember when last you kept malice with someone you always kept on repeating what the person did to you in your mind, even when you are walking or doing other things you think about the pain the person caused you now that is called meditation, same do every day of your life making that decision today. You have use your meditation power to do evil therefore repent and do good, think about eternity values , Jesus suffering , having a permanent hole in his palms because of you thing about how important he is , and how important you are to him, pray for his grace to help you and also be ready to cooperate.
    The body is the visible part of you that don’t want to pray never ever. Because it is flesh and the bible said no flesh should glory in Gods present 1 Corinthians 29 vs 30
    Also Matthew 29 vs 40 tells us that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
    Before I go further precious saint of God do you know that the Earth is spinning right now , spinning as fast as 107,000 km/hr at that speed you can get from san Francisco to Washington Dc in 3 minutes. But do u feel it No, this is a medium God is using to tell us never to go by what we feel, if we want to wait to feel like praying we will never because of this flesh , that’s why Paul said I put my body under subjection 1 Corinthians 9 vs 27. Say to yourself right now I choose not to be a fleshy Christian, I choose not to be a soulish Christian, I only choose to be a spirit led Christian. I am no longer moved by what I see, I am no longer moved by what I hear, I am not moved by what I feel, I am moved only by what I believe and I believe that I am loved by God before the foundation of the world, I believe that I am holy, I am chosen, I am forgiven, I am accepted, I am blameless. Amen From now Lord Jesus I have decided to follow you, and to be a disciple and if I fall, I have made up my mind never to seat there lamenting but to rise up, because you are able to keep me from fallen, you have done it in other believers life and you even did it for Jesus, so therefore I am rest assured your grace will see me to the end. Heavenly Father, My Friendly Father, Righteous Father help me hear you when you are speaking to me and Help me to speak back always, I Am ready always from now henceforth to pray to you wherever I am , wherever I go , forgive me for not hearing your voice and I thank you for making me know about the dirty lies of the Devil , Lord Jesus I promise to be bold for you and also to accept you as my bride groom amen.

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