Which ones are always on our mind
May it be a career or a fine education
or is power the god you want to find
The gods of greed and vacations, the gods of play
We worship all these gods and we worry about them
We build walls so no one can take our gods away
We lie and we cheat and we steal
We do what ever it takes to achieve our desires
For some gods were even willing to kill
We praise and worship them for the things they do and say
They are rich and famous and we all want to be them
These are the gods we worship today
They love their churches and money more than the poor
They don't keep gods commandments, they have gods of their own
Mankind has failed God just like so many ties before
Because wickedness is a sin I cant afford
You can worship all the gods that Satan controls
But as for me and my family, we serve the Lord.

Thank you for this poem. We are new to steemit and I am happy to see that we can find things like this on here. Promoting this God Bless!
I am so glad you enjoyed and humbled by your generosity. Welcome to Steemit, I hope things work well for you. God bless you and thank you so much!
Well said and well done.
It's good to be reminded of things like this, to take stock of where we're at with the gods in our lives and just how much time, effort and care we're devoting to them. Some of these can be powered down and put in their proper place, like education and work. Others, such as entertainment and the acquisition of stuff need to be moderated. A lot can just be done away with, so the focus returns to our purpose in life and how we can more fully fulfill it.
Thanks for sharing your poetry and insights with us.
Yep, PRIORITIES (where your treasure is, there will your heart be also )
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed. That was very well said and I agree.
Thank you! Psalm 46:10 What a great scripture.
One of my favs is prov 3: 5,6
Yes that is such a great scripture, so many turn to man instead of turning to God for their answers. Thank you for sharing that with me!
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