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RE: Billy Graham Did Not Profit the Kingdom! (Controversial Post: Do NOT Read if Easily Offended)

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

I share same thoughts - Billy compromised a lot and did what he did to please the powers that be; doing as they'd please, saying as they'd want with caution to not step on toes. By the way, religion is often used for mass control.
The truth is always bitter and pisses off!You're very correct @bullishmoney.


Absolutely! I'm also reminded that during slavery in America, the plantation owners used the Bible as a psychological weapon -- ie. obey your master -- to justify their actions, and to keep slaves subservient. It doesn't get much more mass control than that.

And as long as everybody plays along, everything's fine. But when folks like King, or especially Malcolm X start speaking hard-hitting truth...they dead.