What If?

in #christianity4 years ago


Romans 3:3 (KJV)
For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

This passage clearly concerns the Jews, the nation of Israel. They had the oracles of God and a great advantage because of them.

But some did not believe.
I would say a huge number of them did not believe.

What about it? Does the fact that so many of those to whom God Himself gave the Word of God do not believe the Word make null the Word? Not at all.

What if some did not believe?
What if people today, most people today don’t believe?

Does the majority opinion make God ungodly? Can the majority overrule the power of God? Do unbelievers hinder the profitability of the Scriptures in the hearts of believers?

Not at all.

The only one negatively affected by unbelief is the unbeliever.

To my readers:
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Romans 3:3 (KJV) What If?

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