Ok, assuming you are saved, and if you aren’t saved get to a Christian church or tell a Christian friend that you want to be saved then come back here, Christianity today is nowhere near the Christianity described in Acts chapters 1 through 4. Early Christians were in the right frame of mind to be able to accept Jesus and the disciples teachings. Today we battle with tv, internet, iphones, video games etc. Everything wants our attention! We have to learn to have time with God without any of the "stuff". We must train our brain now to do without. I believe this is important so that we have a closer relationship with God.
What God provided then is what is still available today and that is the second best “Garden of Eden”.
The first best “Garden of Eden” was what Adam and Eve had.
There is one thing that the second best “Garden of Eden” has that the first didn’t, we can now bind Satan and all of the fallen angels that have allied themselves with him.
How is this possible? Living the second best “Garden of Eden”, and being able to bind Satan and all of the fallen angels that have allied themselves with him?
It begins with this verse:
Philippians 2:5-6, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God…”
I have to be honest, when I first heard this from an evangelist, my thoughts were, “A man being equal with God? That is blasphemy!”
The Holy Spirit helped me to understand this verse better with the, “Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Me” image above.
Sometimes when you mention “Equal with” to others, they get nervous or will look down at the ground. I found that it is better described as a partnership with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The circle represents this partnership, with you and I being in the center. The circle exist whether we are in it or not, but it is important to remember that Jesus died for us to be in this “Equal With” circle. Being “Equal With” is the reason we can now bind the enemy.
If you are ok with that here’s the next verse that you must understand.
Matthew chapter 7:7: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
The definition of “ask” that most Christians use is listed in the Strong’s Concordance, reference #154 in the Greek section as, “ask” being defined as: beg, call for, crave, desire or require. The correct definition of “ask” in Matthew 7:7 is reference #4441: a demand for something due.
Now let me get one thing VERY clear, we DON’T demand anything from God. We proclaim what is rightfully ours to this physical world. Just as God spoke and it was done, we do the same. The blood of Jesus gives us this right and power to do so!
We need to stop asking God for the things, (healing, protection and provision), he has already given us through Jesus.
The following are what we can proclaim that will give us our second best “Garden of Eden”:
“I cannot be sick, any sickness that threatens me is saying Isaiah 53:5 is not true and therefore is saying Jehovah God is a liar and there is no sickness that has the authority to call the Creator a liar!”
“I will not be fearful of anything or anyone. Any situation that threatens me would be a situation that says Psalms 91 is not true and therefore is saying Jehovah God is a liar and there is no situation that has the authority to call the Creator a liar!”
“I will be provided for. Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 makes it very clear that I am blessed and I will have all that I need. There cannot be a situation where I lack food, water, clothing, shelter…whatever it is that I need. Jehovah God will not be called a liar!”
We do not call God a liar by being sick, fearful or poor; the sickness, fear or poverty in our life is what is saying God is a liar. The sickness, fear, and poverty must go.
The sickness, fear, and poverty is our enemy!
It is important to understand two things. The first one is, you must have the body under subjection to the spirit, 1 Corinthians 9:27. If you have anger or unforgiveness towards someone, that is a sin that must be dealt with first. Second, you need to bind Satan and the fallen angels daily! This is very important, the enemy is tricky and will do anything to stop you!
Let me know what is going on, I would be honored to be in agreement with you in fighting the sickness, fear or poverty in your life!
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