CHRISTIANITY- As God Transforms. "RAHAB"

The Bible speaks of many women whose lives were given to God. However, others are also mentioned that, even without belonging to the people of Israel, came to know God after situations that marked the history of their lives. That was the case of Rahab, a woman with no value in her land, but who has a lot to teach us in the present day.

Rahab was a prostitute and lived in Jericho, a great fortress to be conquered by the Israelites in the saga for the Promised Land, but which was destined for total destruction. For belonging to a people enemy of God, Rahab gathered everything to be as it was ... that is: unbelieving, rebellious, disobedient and full of bitterness and contempt. But despite being known for his bad reputation, it was precisely at his house that Joshua's spies decided to stay, when he went to observe the earth. (Read Joshua 2: 1-4).


Thirst for God

Rahab was a woman who belonged to a foreign people, but she longed to know the God of Israel. Like her, all the inhabitants of Jericho had heard of the great works done by the Lord, through His servant Moses. Even so, the people of Jericho were pagan and idolized other gods. However, Rahab was different. She had a great desire to belong to God but feared being rejected by Him. Therefore, when the earth was invaded, she pleaded with Joshua's spies to have mercy on her and all of her family (Read Joshua 2: 9- 12).

When the king of Jericho ordered him to expel the servants of God from his house, in addition to resisting the threats, he helped the spies to flee from there. The attitude of protecting them put Rahab against her own nation. They saw her as a traitor to her homeland, but she did not think about what she might suffer, preferring to face everyone in her land, as long as it is part of God's plans (Joshua 2: 2-7).


The Rahabs of today

How many times were we in the same situation as Rahab? Excluded, rejected, and submerged in situations that seemed to be stronger than us. And how many times do we think of desisting for sin ... by dirtying our conscience and bringing a great upset to our soul?

Rahab did not hide her situation from this world, on the contrary, she had a great desire to change and was prepared to face even the king of her parents. She trusted in God, for she obeyed when the spies advised her to tie a red cord in the window of her house. Rahab did it because she kept faith in Someone who knew that she was powerful, even though she was unknown to her, because she had never had contact with him (Joshua 2:21)

God was with that prostitute, giving him life and changing his story. Rahab was transformed radically from the moment she wished to be born again and to know thoroughly the One God who, until then, only listened to speak. That shows us that our sins do not matter. If we are determined to change, God is the first to support and protect us.

Lessons from Rahab

Rahab has a lot to teach us, because, above all things, she had faith. Even knowing that God had given many victories to another people and that their city was going to be completely wiped out by God, she trusted in the promise that she would be saved. Even though she had a different belief from Israel and lived a life opposed to the commandments of the Lord, she was willing to accept her new condition as a daughter of God and to leave behind her immoral past.

Rahab's faith, in addition to her trust, obedience and caring for her family, made her a blessed and wise woman, because she was sure that by turning to the victorious God of the Israelites, she could change a future of death, for years to come. peace and eternal happiness. The decision to abandon their traditions, thoughts and lifestyle led her out of a dirty condition to be washed by the mercy of the Lord. Everything happened just to recognize its smallness and crave the greatness of a God different from all who served.

The sincere heart of Rahab and her attitudes drew so much attention from God that He allowed a foreigner to live with his people, receiving her as a genuine daughter. This woman's thirst for change made God see her as a saint, in the middle of a land contaminated by filth. Even being a prostitute, she obtained the authorization of God himself to be cared for and protected. A despicable woman for her people, she was saved and placed with other saints of Israel (read Joshua 6: 22-25).

Rahab teaches us that even if we are despised and humiliated by this world laden with lovelessness, there is always hope for those who wish to change. Moreover, this woman's faith was what made it possible to get her out of the dross and her inferior condition to become an ancestor of King David and the Lord Jesus (Read Matthew 1: 1-5).

His story also teaches us that no matter how much we make mistakes or live difficult situations, God only expects us to open our hearts - no matter how dirty and hard - to enter and transform the chaos in our lives in inner peace. And make the ruins of our past, eternal building columns.

God is the only one who transforms the Man of his Sin.



Great sharing of a wonderful example of God using anyone for his purposes, regardless of how despised and humiliated one can be.

Amen, this is how the Mercy of God is Great.