:49 It makes no sense whatsoever because you say the Father and the Son are the same NUMERIC being. The distinction Trinitarians make between nature and person is admitted sophistry.
Schaff, Nicene And Post Nicene Christianity: History Of The Christian Church Vol. III, Chapter 9, Section 130,
“The word person is in reality only a make-shift, in the absence of a more adequate term. Our idea of God is more true and deep than our terminology, and the essence and character of God far transcends our highest ideas.”
I am not Anderson just for the record... going to change that in my bio. But I will try to explain. The Father, the word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost are all separate persons, but the 3 are witnesses of themselves and makeup one God. Hope I helped you! Have a blessed day!
:49 It makes no sense whatsoever because you say the Father and the Son are the same NUMERIC being. The distinction Trinitarians make between nature and person is admitted sophistry.
Schaff, Nicene And Post Nicene Christianity: History Of The Christian Church Vol. III, Chapter 9, Section 130,
“The word person is in reality only a make-shift, in the absence of a more adequate term. Our idea of God is more true and deep than our terminology, and the essence and character of God far transcends our highest ideas.”
I am not Anderson just for the record... going to change that in my bio. But I will try to explain. The Father, the word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost are all separate persons, but the 3 are witnesses of themselves and makeup one God. Hope I helped you! Have a blessed day!