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RE: Exposed: The Powerful Secret Hiding What "Christ" Really Means

in #christianitylast year

Great post!

Got me thinking : the phrase 'Jesus Christ' appearing as a full name is a deep psyop (almost intentional), in a culture where names had two components - first and last, and which aspect has successfully been transferred to the East too (Indian and Chinese passports have first and last names, enforced in the Western style, even if that was not customary or directly applicable).


Hey, my dear Brother @paulvp , I see that I "liked" this post some time ago, but I must have been crazy-busy at the time; I can't believe I didn't reply.


You are 100% correct; I would say that MOST Western readers (at the very least subconsciously) register "Jesus Christ" as Jesus' First and Last names... This is undoubtedly a very intentional psyop promulgated by the Father of Psyops, our adversary Satan himself:

"When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8:44

Thank you for explicitly pointing that out. When we falsely internalize "Christ" as merely a last name, we completely miss the utterly important awareness that Jesus is THE KING!

I hope all is well with you and yours? Would love to chat again sometime soon and catch up... Meanwhile, I do see your FB posts from time to time, and I see I need to go back and check out your more recent long-form posts here on Hive!

Blessings, Brother!


- @creatr